[WORLD NEWS] Three major pornography websites are now more popular than Netflix, Instagram, and Twitter.

Three major pornography websites are now more popular than Netflix, Instagram, and Twitter.

According to new website rankingscompiled by SimilarWeb, the porn sites were only bested by five other outlets: Google, Facebook, YouTube, Amazon, and Yahoo.

The numbers make sense. Every second, nearly 30,000 internet users in the U.S. are accessing and consuming pornography. Data from WebRoot revealed last year that 40 million Americans regularly visit pornographic websites.

As of last year, some 200,000 Americans described themselves as “porn addicts.” To that end, 35 percent of all internet downloads are related to pornography.

If you or someone you know is struggling with pornography, click here to learn more about Faithwire’s new e-course, Set Free, available now. Use promo code FAITHWIRE for an exclusive discount.

Courtesy : FaithWire

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David Oshin is a Content Creator || Full stack Web Developer||Podcast Host || Digital Marketing Strategist. He is very passionate about UNITY of the body of Christ.

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