How to Enjoy the Help of God- Pastor David Ibiyeomie

Pastor David Ibiyeomie in Native

For 25 years God has helped us marvellously, it’s the help of God we have enjoyed. Psalm 121. I may be a bit emotional in between, in case you see that just know that it’s not sadness, it’s Joy that cannot be explained.

When God helps you; you will be made by him. It is the help of God that makes men whatever they are, the maker of any man is the help of God. 1st Corinthians 10:15. It’s the grace of God that makes great, God can never be helpless and he’s ever ready to help us.. I pray today, anywhere you’re hearing my voice all over the world, the help of God will come your way as I am speaking in the name of Jesus. His help is above all, because whatever is from above is superior to any other one.

If a man is helping you, where the strength of that man stops, that is where you stop. Just imagine a man picking up a little baby, wherever the man’s help stops that’s where the baby’s help will stop. Just imagine God picking up a baby.. That means when God helps you there is no limitation, no mortal man can pose to be the doer of all we are seeing and enjoying, not even me, I did nothing.

A man called Uzziah in 2nd Chronicles 26, He helped him so much that in verse 15, it says that “and his name spread far abroad, for he was marvellously helped till he was strong” I prophesy to someone the help of God will make you a marvel to your world.

So, it is the help of God that makes you a marvel to your world, when people look at you, they say haa! Nothing changes a man’s story like the help of God. There is a common saying that is not scriptural and it’s not correct, it’s not biblical but people say it, Heaven helps those who help themselves, that is not correct. God helps those who cannot help themselves. God can only help the helpless, if you can help yourself then you don’t need God, never say Heaven help those who help themselves instead Heaven helps those who cannot help themselves, if you can help yourself God is not involved.

So, we are here today celebrating God’s faithfulness in our lives, not our expertise, not our strength but God’s mercy and grace. Acts 26:22. So, continuity in this Kingdom is a function of the help of God, that you’re still striving is what?

When we came newly, they said give him 3 years at most, then after 3 years they said at most 7 years, after that they said 10 years, after that they said forget that man.. If you’re continuing in anything then don’t allow the help of God to leave you. Look at where we are coming from, some of the pictures you didn’t see them. A young man Nathaniel Bassey said “see what the Lord has done”.

Now, I will tell you how to enjoy God’s help. It’s available but many people don’t enjoy the help of God. Because it’s better to tell people your story of how we enjoyed the help of God.. You know if I come here to preach theory it won’t work, I have to tell you what has brought us this far.



He’s our ordained helper, when Jesus was on earth he helped the apostles, they were never frustrated, they kept getting results at every point. Now he’s gone, the ordained helper is the Holy Spirit. John 14:16-26 (AMP) Anytime you never help consult the greatest of all, the Holy Spirit and I speak with deep revelation, lift your right hand towards Heaven and say: Holy Spirit help me, where do you want him to help you? Tell him, he will help you, he is a person. Now, that area you’ve asked for receive his help in the name of Jesus. The Spirit of Truth which the world cannot receive. Listen, stop banking on your human connection, he says the world can’t receive him because the world goes for human help.

They trust in man, I know this man, I know this person. In the Kingdom you know the Holy Spirit. But you know him because the Holy Spirit remains in you and continually will be in you, many Christians are not conscious of the Holy Spirit. So, when they need help, they run straight to people, I know the Governor, I know the President, I know the United Secretary, no they are all humans, they have their limits, every mortal man has his own limits. But you can’t know the Holy Spirit and have limitations.

Let me ask you a question, if Jesus was here can you ever be frustrated? Then why are you frustrated, because you don’t know him, my greatest secret is what I am preaching. Anytime there is a challenge I go to him, Spirit of the Living God, what do I do? He will teach you all things and he will help you remember everything he has told you. Beginning from today, you will never struggle to succeed. Comforter means helper, so the coming of the Holy Spirit is to actually help us as believers. Please every Christian consciously begin to depend on Him, depend on what? That is where struggle stops, when he helps you even you; you will be marvelled, are you hearing what I am saying?

I was privileged to know Him without any mortal man introducing Him to me and that’s is the greatest secret of my success. I can’t explain how these things are happening, it’s the help of the Holy Spirit, but you know when we have issues, who do we go to first? To people. Unknowingly we run to people, say the truth, you say: who do I meet now, who do I meet and the one right inside you will be looking at you, ok run, when you run and run around you will come back, He will say I will be here and you know the funny thing about Him, He will never force himself on you, He is so gentle, that until you ask him questions he won’t answer and until you call to him, he will never respond because he is not a demon, he responds only when you ask him questions. Up to last night I was still asking him, what do I preach? Then while lying down on the bed I asked him again, he said tell them I am the one who has helped you and then every Christians needs me to succeed and I decree that you’re a part of this celebration help is coming for you, help is coming for someone who says amen. In that area where your strength is gone, you feel like you’re weak and ask yourself how do I make it? That is where he will show himself mighty in the name of Jesus. The area where your strength could not carry you again, He’s going to manifest through this anniversary, you will not struggle for the next result you will get, the next breakthrough you will have will be with ease, the next miracle will come with ease, as you’ve said amen God will make it happen in the name of Jesus.


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David Oshin is a Content Creator || Full stack Web Developer||Podcast Host || Digital Marketing Strategist. He is very passionate about UNITY of the body of Christ.