Summary of principle & Power of vision by Myles Munroe

AUTHOR: Dr. Myles Munroe

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Dr. Myles Munroe

Dr. Myles Munroe was an inspirational speaker known for his speeches on potential and leadership, but is that all there is to know about this great man? I do not think so. Below are certain details about his life.

He was born on April 20, 1954, in Nassau, Bahamas, where he was a resident all his life. He was born into a poor family with ten (10) siblings to compete with over the limited resources of his family. He grew up to become very successful in his lifetime, achieving much for the Kingdom of God and for himself.

He attended the Oral Roberts University where he attained degrees in Fine Arts, Education, and Theology in the year 1978. He later attained a Master’s degree in Administration at the University of Tulsa in 1980.

He also served at the Oral Roberts University as an adjunct professor for the Graduation School of Theology. He is his nation’s youngest recipient of the Queen’s Birthday Honors of the Order of the British Empire (OBE) Award in 1998 and was also awarded the Silver Jubilee Award (SJA) by his nation for his impeccable 25 years of spiritual and social development service.

Dr. Myles Munroe was president at Myles Munroe International (MMI), a Bahamian Evangelical Christian evangelist, and ordained Pentecostal minister. He founded the Bahamas Faith Ministries (BFM) and was Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Chairman of the board of the International Third World Leaders Association. He was also president of the International Leadership Training Institute as well as the author of over 40 inspirational books. He was a father of two; Charisa Munroe and Myles “Chairo” Munroe Jr., and the husband of Ruth Ann Munroe. He was a Pastor, Author, Business Consultant to governments, and a Motivational Speaker.

On November 9, 2014, Dr. Myles Munroe died in a plane crash together with his wife, daughter, and seven others. He was buried in Grand Bahamas, Bahamas.


It’s important to know that God has placed within each person a vision that is designed to give purpose and meaning to life. The world is filled with people who are busy but not ultimately effective or satisfied. They do much but get little value accomplished. Life is intended to have meaning; this is why you were not just born for the fun of it. If all you want to achieve is to work for other people all your life, then your life is a tragedy in the making. Your ability to know why you exist will make you experience a remarkable life in light of that knowledge. This is why you are meant to be headed towards a destination. The poorest person in the world is a person without a dream. The most frustrated person in the world is someone who has a dream but doesn’t know how to bring it to pass. This is because such a person’s dream has become a nightmare of unfulfilled expectations. Most people have no vision beyond their current circumstances. This is why, without a vision of the future, life loses its meaning. And an absence of meaning leads to a lack of hope.

A visionless life is a poverty-stricken existence.

Jeremiah 29:11 serves as an encouragement for us. KJV:

For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.

This is why having a vision or a dream is inherent in being human. People have lots of ideas in their mind but have acted on NONE. You were designed by God not to blend in but to STAND OUT. Remember, uniqueness is part of God’s design. Are you aware that in economics, the value of something is determined by how rare it is? Every person was created to be known for something special. Let be know you for your acts, not just your talks, like during the time of the Apostles of old. When you discover your vision, energy, and passion spring forth.

Ecclesiastes 9:10 has something to say. KJV: Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest.

Without no vision, you have no values to guard your living. This, in turn, makes your activities meaningless; your time will have no purpose, there won’t be a sense of direction to your life. This is why it’s often said that vision is the juice of life.


First thing first: Vision emanates from purpose. It’s very important to know that you’ve been given a vision. Vision is foresight with insight based on hindsight. Understanding your vision will help you learn the secrets to its origin and working in your life.

Never forget that God is the author of vision and it’s his nature to be purposeful in everything he does. God is a God of action based on purpose. This is because his purposes are eternal. Some people wish they had been born during a different time in history. But what they don’t know is that, if they had been born one thousand years ago, they would have been miserable because they would have been living in the wrong time to complete their vision and purpose.

Let’s look at the Book of Ecclesiastes 3:10 KJV: I have seen the travail, which God hath given to the sons of men to be exercised in it.

The word ‘travail’ means ‘A Heavy responsibility’ Every human being came to earth with a purpose irrespective of your age bracket. There’s something within you that is being called by eternity. Ecclesiastes 3:11 has something to say. KJV: He hath made everything beautiful in his time: also he hath set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end.

Despite us living in time and space, time and space are connected to eternity, and God has put something into your heart that calls the unseen into the seen.

Secondly, God created everything to fulfill a purpose in life. Your purpose is already completed in God. Isaiah 46:9-10 has something to say. KJV:

Remember the former things of old: for I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me

10 Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel (purpose) shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure: Vision comes with purpose; this is why your beginning is proof of your completion.

Thirdly, Vision isn’t about us, it’s about God. You are not an experiment. This is why God wouldn’t have allowed you to start your life and purpose unless they were already completed in eternity. You were born to manifest something that is already finished.

Vision is as close as your deepest desires. Let us see what Psalms 37:4 has to say. KJV: Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.

This is a reminder that all the dreams, ideas, and plans that remain consistent within you were put there by God.

Fourthly, it’s vital to understand the key to recognizing personal vision. Vision is much more than mere interests. Visions will persist against the odds. Vision is unselfish.

Vision is the only thing that will bring you fulfillment. Vision requires a vital connection with God. Vision is both personal and corporate; this is the fifth thing you should take note of. God gives the vision to an individual, who shares it with a group and transfers it to them. The members of the group then run with the vision because they find in it a place for their own personal vision to be fulfilled.


Not Understanding the Nature of Vision: Vision is SPECIFIC. The error people make is that they don’t identify their objective of success.

They actually don’t know what to succeed in. Vision must be specific rather than general or vague. Misunderstanding the difference between Vision, Goals, and Mission: Things like: I want to open a restaurant someday, I want to buy cars and build 3 houses.

These are goals, NOT VISION. Things like: I want to win my city to Christ, I want to preach to every creature, etc., are missions NOT VISION. Vision and Mission are related, but they are not the same.

A mission is not practical and concrete, it’s philosophical and abstract, it’s a general statement of purpose that declares the overall idea of what you want to accomplish. It’s open-ended.

Vision is a very precise statement that has a specific emphasis and definable boundaries. A vision is this: You want to Open a Shoe store and the kind of shoe you want to sell are just baby shoes. Understanding the difference between Mission and Vision will make you protected from jealousy. Engaging in wishful thinking: They frame vague ideas they will want to do someday. It’s wise to have wills, rather than mere thinking. It’s not God’s will for you to live in a gray zone. When someone is living in the gray, it means the person is not saying yes or no, but maybe. Living with indecision: People in this category never decide. Prolonged indecisiveness is a vision killer and it also drains the Joy out of life. Making Excuses: Never wanting to take the first step and fond of leaving things unfinished. Seeking Balance: Some people feel they’re not well-balanced, so they don’t focus on a particular goal. True balance is the maintenance of equilibrium while moving towards a destination.

Trying to do Everything: People try to do too much. They believe the main goal in life is to stay busy. This way of thinking is a trap. Busyness does not necessarily equal progress. Being perplexed over Multiple Talents: Some don’t pursue their true visions because they have the problem of being ‘multi-talented’ or being able to do many things. Not recognizing the Cost of Vision: Here people begin to blame factors like bad luck, blaming outside forces.


1. Be Directed by a Clear Vision: Have a clear guiding purpose for your life. You cannot contribute to God’s greater purpose if you don’t know your personal vision. Know what you are and why you are what you are.

Not knowing this will make you experiment with your life, and it is dangerous. When God gives you a vision, nothing can stop it. Vision is a preferable future. Your vision is a clear conception of something that is not yet reality. This means that the present is not enough; something else is needed.

Vision is future-focused. When you are very close to a vision, you’re constantly going to be driven to change.
2. Know your Potential for Fulfilling Vision: If you don’t truly understand your potential, you can never be successful. Remember that your potential is determined by the assignment God has given you to do, and resources will be made available to you as you need them.

Potential is hidden capacity, untapped power, unreleased energy. It is all you could be, but haven’t she become. Potential is who you really are, in accordance with your vision, even if you don’t yet know your true self. Potential is the person who has been trapped inside you because of false ideas of who you are—either your own or others.
3. Develop a Concrete Plan for your Vision: God gives the vision, and we make the plans. Ideas are seeds of destiny planted by God in the minds of humankind. When ideas are cultivated, they become imagination, and when an imagination is watered, it becomes a plan. When a plan is followed, it becomes a reality.
4. Possess the Passion of Vision: It’s impossible to be successful without Passion. Passionate people are those who have discovered something more important than life itself. When you have a vision, you are sad about where you are because you want to be where your true joy is.

Vision is the precedent for Passion. Apostle Paul paid a price for the vision, but his passion enabled him to do it. You are passionate and real when you choose to be steady under pressure. Passion for Vision overcomes resistance. If you’re going to be what you see in your mind and heart, there will be resistance. It is passion that overcomes this resistance. Passion is a desire that is stronger than death. It keeps you focused and it is always willing to pay the price.
5. Develop the Faith of Vision: Sight is a function of the eyes, while vision is a function of the heart. The gift of Vision is God’s greatest gift to humankind. Vision sees things as they could be. When you have vision, you are governed by the Faith God has put in your heart. In other words, Faith is Vision in the Heart. Faith is seeing the future in the present. Sight without vision is dangerous because it has no hope. Sight is the ability to see things as they are, while vision is the ability to see things as they should be. Nothing on earth is more important than a thought. This is more reason Faith sees problems as opportunities.


6. Understand The Process of Vision: This scripture is telling us that God tells us where we are going with our vision, but he rarely tells us exactly how he will take us there. He gives us purpose but doesn’t explain the full process. This implies that there is no hurried way to get vision. He leads us step by step, day by day, through tribulations, trials, Character building opportunities as He moves us towards our dreams. The route prepares us for the destination.
7. Set the Priorities for Vision: Remember that your life is the sum total of the decisions you make every day. Our decisions are made based on our priorities. This is because it is the key to our effective decision making. Our preferences reveal who we are and what we value in life. This is because prioritizing creates useful limits in your choices.
8. Recognize People’s Influence on Vision: When you begin to act on your vision, it will stir up both those

who want to help you and those who want to hinder you. We need people to make it in life. The Law of Association states that you become like those with whom you spend time. People have the potential to create our environment, which in turn defines our mindset and future. There’s a saying that says: Show me your friend, and I will show you your future.
9. Employ the Provision of Vision: God designed every purpose with its own prosperity. Whatever God Purposes, he provides for. This is because vision and provision go together. People don’t understand how God will provide for their vision because they have a false view of prosperity. They think prosperity is excess or hoarding. In the bible, hoarding is referred to as gluttony, and that is a state of mind where one thinks he doesn’t have enough to satisfy him. Prosperity means today’s needs are met. This is why your prosperity is directly related to your purpose in life. Your prosperity is based on your assignment in life and not for fancy. There are five specific ways God provides for Vision:

√ Land and its inherent wealth. .√ The ability to work.

√ The ability to cultivate.

√ The ability to preserve and reserve for the future.

√ The ability to pass along wealth.


10. Use Persistence in Achieving the Vision: Every true vision will be tested for authenticity. This is because there is no resistance if you’re not moving. You must be prepared for the challenges because they will come. This is why you must stand fast and steady in the face of resistance.

There are challenges to overcome, and they may come in the form of:

√ Difficult Family Background

√ Family Expectations

√ The Jealousy and Scheming of Others Destiny Demands Diligence.

This is why persistence is the desire to withstand every opposition. Even when you’re beaten up, stay in the fight. Fight until you feel the joy of victory. Bear up under pressure, accept the cost, accept the test for authenticity because it only tries to test your resolve.
11. Be Patient in the Fulfillment of Vision: Do not throw away your confidence; it will be rightly rewarded. This is because Patience ensures the Eventual Success of the Plan. Patience brings Peace in the Midst of Uncertainties. Patience wins the race in the end.
12. Stay Connected to the Source of Vision: You must have a daily dynamic personal prayer life with God. This is because prayer sustains us in the demands of vision. Prayer encourages us to get back in the fight. Every champion does not win every round, but if he perseveres, he will win the match. Prayer is the essential resource of vision. And it is impossible to get to the end without prayer.


✍Vision is the juice of life.
✍God has placed within each person a vision that is designed to give purpose and meaning to life.
✍ The poorest person in the world is a person without a dream.
✍ The world is filled with people who are busy but not ultimately effective or satisfied.
✍Without a vision of the future, life loses its meaning.
✍ A visionless life is a poverty-stricken existence.
✍ You’re responsible for stirring up the gift within you.
✍ Identify your vision’s goal and stay in course.
✍ Understand Vision and why it is essential to your success.
✍The most frustrated person in the world is someone who has a dream but doesn’t know how to bring it to pass.
✍You were designed by God not to blend in, but to stand out.
✍ Uniqueness is part of God’s design.
✍ In economics, the value of something is determined by how rare it is.
✍ Every person was created to be known for something special.
✍Without no vision, you have no values to guard your living.
✍ Vision is foresight with insight based on hindsight.
✍Vision comes from purpose.
✍ There’s something within you that is being called by eternity.
✍Your beginning is a proof of your completion.
✍You were born to manifest something that is already finished.

✍ Vision is as close as your deepest desires.
✍ Vision must be specific rather than general or vague.
✍ Vision is a preferable future.
✍Vision is future-focused.
✍God gives the vision, and we make the plans.
✍ Ideas are seed of destiny planted by God In the minds of humankind.
✍ Passion for Vision overcomes resistance.
✍Passion is a desire that is stronger than death.
✍ The gift of Vision is God’s greatest gift to humankind.
✍ Faith is Vision in the Heart.
✍ Sight without vision is dangerous because it has no hope.
✍ Nothing on earth is more important than a thought.
✍There is no hurried way to get to get vision.
✍ Every true vision will be tested for authenticity.
✍ Destiny Demands Diligence.

Henotace Team

David Oshin is a Content Creator || Full stack Web Developer||Podcast Host || Digital Marketing Strategist. He is very passionate about UNITY of the body of Christ.

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