What is Henotace.org

I know some people maybe wondering, what’s Henotace.org, what is all about, is it just about the  Updated News ,devotionals and latest information about what’s going on within Nigerian churches, or what really is the website about.

First of all, its best i introduce Henotace.org to you as a movement, it is  not just another website, but a movement for establishing unity through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

henotace (spirit of unity)

A wise man once said a picture describes a thousand words, so the picture above has a lot to say about Henotace.org .

Why Unity ?

1. Unity is a command of scriptures (Eph.4:3), Paul speaks by the inspiration of the spirit to us to keep the Unity (Henotace) of the Spirit in the bond of peace. The greek root word for unity is Henotace.

2. It is the Ultimate purpose of God for the Church, (Eph.4:13: Till we all come in the Henotace (unity) of the faith, …..). That is God’s ultimate desire for the Church.

3. Unity is the true definition of Christian maturity, ( 1st Cor. 3:1-5), despite the Corinthian church having all the gifts of the spirit in manifestation, they were still called babes because they didn’t walk in Unity.

4. The major crisis confronting the church today is disunity.

5. Unity precedes the coming of our Lord and master Jesus Christ (Eph.1:10)

All these and many more are crucial reasons for a spiritual revival of Unity in the Church.

What makes Henotace.org Unique ?

What makes us unique is our core objective and the different plans we have in achieving it, they are listed Below.

*Gospel News –

Conscience Based reporting of issues and events that affect the church, and the Gospel in General. You can count on Henotace.org for objectivity, veracity (truthfulness) and much more # No prejudice # No personality attack.

* Daily Devotional –

As part of the move to enforce unity in the body of Christ,  Henotace.org shares on it’s platform daily devotional from different ministers of the Gospel around the globe.

Henotace is committed to edify the spirit man of every believer with the fresh ? word of God , You can’t afford to miss a day on our platform.

We believe in “Unity in Diversity”.

Henotace.org seeks to create One platform where Believers from different denominations & interdenominations can enjoy things that bonds our spirit together .

Be a part of this move.

Henotace !!!

All about the Gospel,  Emphasizing Unity

#Unity all the way!!!

Remain Blessed.

For Partnership /Support

Contact us and we will respond swiftly, you can support us in the following ways

  • Purchase any of our  Ebooks  from our  digital library store.
  • Sponsor a Unity Campaign in your area.

Remain Blessed.

Henotace Team

David Oshin is a Content Creator || Full stack Web Developer||Podcast Host || Digital Marketing Strategist. He is very passionate about UNITY of the body of Christ.

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