Chop- Friday 29th 2023- One cannot have a heart for God and not have time for him


Those who have a heart for God will have acts for God, even though you can see anyone’s heart, you can see their act.

We have an example of David, 1 sam 13:14- God has found a man after his own heart, what matters to God is what matters to David.

David is the King of Israel, despite his busy schedule, he has a heart for God, David has three schedules of prayers daily.
Ps 119:100- David said I love thy law…

He has time for prayers, he has time for the word, he has time for praise, he has time for meditation and he has time for speaking God’s word with people.

If you want to know the Heart of a man, give it time. The genuineness of our Heart is demonstrated by our actions.
The question we must ask is where is my heart, the answer to that is where is my time?

I receive Grace for sustainable engagement in Jesus name

Henotace Team

David Oshin is a Content Creator || Full stack Web Developer||Podcast Host || Digital Marketing Strategist. He is very passionate about UNITY of the body of Christ.

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