Pastor David Ibiyeomie in Native

Don’t allow the obstacles before you affect you, focus on your goals, if you focus on obstacle, you will miss God’s purpose obstacles will always be in front of but don’t allow the obstacles affect you, be consumed with your goals you will overcome the obstacles.

In life you’re either focusing on the problem or you’re focusing on the promises, don’t allow the obstacles of life stop you from advancing. Forget the obstacles and focus on the goals you have before you. Let the goals before you consume you that the obstacles will mean nothing to you, are you getting what I am saying now?

Don’t allow obstacles to ever mean anything to you, focus on the goals, don’t allow obstacles to affect your destiny. If you’re headed somewhere don’t allow the challenges of life stop you, focus on what you’re looking for and do not allow the challenges ever stop you from achieving the goals in your life.

Obstacles are an opportunity to achieve our goals, excuses should not be given for anything, find a way out to achieve success, don’t allow excuses, always find a way out to achieve your goals. Don’t ever give in to excuses


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David Oshin is a Content Creator || Full stack Web Developer||Podcast Host || Digital Marketing Strategist. He is very passionate about UNITY of the body of Christ.