Kenneth Max Copeland, or Kenneth Copeland, was born on December 6, 1936, in Texas, the United States. He is an American pastor, author, singer, politician, and televangelist. He has been associated with the charismatic movement and has greatly helped to popularize it.He is also the senior pastor of Eagle Mountain International Church Inc. (E.M.I.C.) in Tarrant County, Texas. Copeland’s sermons, prosperity gospel lectures, and programs are broadcast across the world via the Victory Channel. Copeland is an ardent follower of the Word of Faith Movement and is considered the richest pastor


Concerning us believers, God said we are more than conquerors. And we are to live as one.Some complained that the reverse is the case for them because they seem to be conquered by everything ranging from sicknesses to horrible addictions etc.It’s obvious you must have repented and rededicated your life afresh, yet when you want to continue in your new ways, you get knocked out by the devil.To be a conqueror henceforth and not being conquered by the devil, it’s important you learn his strategies of operation.Let’s see what Hebrews 12:1-3:1 Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,2 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.3 For consider him that endured such a contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be weary and faint in your minds.Your mind is the place where your fight with Satan will be won or lost.Be aware that Satan’s attack doesn’t come from the realm of the Spirit, Christ has defeated him in that realm once and for all.This means Satan operates in this natural soulish realm. And he has no authority in this realm, he can only try to deceive you, because deception is all that he has.He does this by putting pressure on your emotions,bombarding you with destructive thoughts.When you don’t understand the strategies of the devil, you’d always be overcomed by him.

LEAD #2: THE FIRST POINT OF ATTACK.Lasciviousness is the devil’s first point of attack.He knows that for you to live a godly life, you’ll have to restrain the desires and appetites of the flesh. Thereby making your flesh yield to the authority of the Holy Spirit within you.Satan’s goal is to stop you from doing that stated above. He does this by making you let go of your restraint till your flesh begins to take control.You soon begin to see yourself do things you usually don’t do. Worse is the fact that it gets far less publicity than fornication/ adultery and its like, yet the end is devastating.All these evils begin with the big ‘ME’. Because you do it all for ‘SELF’.For instance, you don’t commit adultery for the sake of someone else. You don’t extort people for someone else.Satan’s aim is to pressure you to yield to the weakness of your flesh, until that weakness begins to dominate you.Such that you will have no shame about yourself anymore.



Satan doesn’t surface by trying to wipe out every trace of God in your life.He surfaces with but by bit suggestions in the form of thoughts. A kind of thought that makes you feel it’s not a big deal. He will want you to entertain such thoughts because it would feel harmless to you at first. He makes you feel that such thoughts are too small and insignificant to bother with.This exactly, is his way of planting the seed of destruction one little thought at a time.Remember, your actions are going to fall right in line with your words. That’s a biblical principle.Your tongue is the rudder of your life. This is because it determines your course by repeating those words you’ve been entertaining in your mind.Doubts come when you allow yourself to indulge in thoughts that are contrary to God’s word.Satan plants the thoughts which give birth to the words and in turn gives birth to the actions and events around you.As the saying goes: Unrestrained thoughts lead to unrestrained words, which inevitably leads to an unrestrained life—and an unrestrained life is doomed to destruction.



Let’s see what Romans 12:2 has to say.KJV: And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind…If you observe, it didn’t say ‘restrain’, it said ‘renew’.Never you treat God’s word as just a textbook with lots of information where you can teach from and refer to, it’s far more than that.Let’s see what Hebrews 12:2 has to say.KJV: For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword…The word ‘Quick’ means Alive.This means, if you start putting the word in your mind, you’re actually putting the power of God to work in your mind.It’s a way of bringing it under the influence of a living force, a force that will make it new and qualitatively different.Renewing of the mind isn’t what you do overnight.Lasciviousness works two ways: It causes your flesh to be unrestrained and it causes you to restrain the godly promptings in your Spirit.It lets your flesh go wild, while putting your Spirit in bondage. Making you not to follow the leadership of the Holy Spirit.The only way to live out the victory God has given us through the cross, is through the word that is hidden in our hearts, alive in our brains and flowing out our mouths.You can’t be spiritually lazy and walk off this battlefield a champion.



✍???? When you don’t understand the strategies of the devil, you’d always be overcomed by him.

✍???? To be a conqueror henceforth and not being conquered by the devil, it’s important you learn his strategies of operation.

✍???? This means the Satan operate in this natural soulish realm

✍???? Be aware that Satan’s attack doesn’t come from the realm of the Spirit.

✍???? Satan has no authority in this realm, he can only try to deceive you, because deception is all that he has.

✍???? Lasciviousness is the devil’s first point of attack. Lasciviousness means ‘No Restrain or Unrestrained’.This is because he knows that if you must live a godly life, you’ll have to restrain the desires and appetites of the flesh.

✍???? Satan’s aim is to pressure you to yield to the weakness of your flesh, until that weakness begins to dominate you.

✍???? All evils begin with the big ‘ME’. Because you do it all for ‘SELF’.

✍???? Your tongue is the rudder of your life.✍???? Your actions are going to fall right in line with your words

✍???? An unrestrained life is doomed to destruction.

✍???? Satan plants the thoughts which give birth to the words and in turn gives birth to the actions and events around you.

✍???? The word ‘Quick’ means Alive.

✍???? If you start putting the word in your mind, you’re actually putting the power of God to work in your mind.

✍???? Renewing of the mind isn’t what you do overnight.

✍???? Lasciviousness makes you not to follow the leadership of the Holy Spirit.✍???? More powerful than lasciviousness is God’s Word.

✍???? You can’t be spiritually lazy and walk off this battlefield a champion.

Henotace Team

David Oshin is a Content Creator || Full stack Web Developer||Podcast Host || Digital Marketing Strategist. He is very passionate about UNITY of the body of Christ.

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