The Spiritual Dimension of Wisdom

Book review by David Oshin

Book Review of Spirit of Excellence by David Oshin

You know the word is full of examples, examples of lives who lived according to God’s plan and those who ended disastrously, now the bible is the ever current, living word for ever, God told us to look at examples and pattern our lives according to the good part.

Romans 15:4 puts it this way, the things written afore times are written for our learning, that we through the comfort of scriptures might have hope

So we need to learn wisdom from God’s word. God’s word is written for our learning, But a lot are not learning Or rather, they are ever learning and not coming to the knowledge of truth, having the form but denying the power thereof


The mind is the seat if wisdom, it is the seat of understanding, it is in the mind issues are analyzed and broken down into absorbable bits for corresponding actions.

It is the spirit that gives life, if the mind is alive, then it must have a spirit.

Eph. 4:23

And be renewed in the spirit of your mind, your mind is able to receive illumination from above because it is linked to the spirit of the Almighty God.

Job 32:8

There is a spirit in man, the inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding.

The mind can receive revelation from the most high , not by mental exertion. Men who fly are men of inspiration and we receive inspiration in our minds.

The entrance of wisdom of God into your mind that brings which drives away darkness.

You need healthy mind, an enlightened and illuminated understanding in order to locate your inheritance in God.

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David Oshin is a Content Creator || Full stack Web Developer||Podcast Host || Digital Marketing Strategist. He is very passionate about UNITY of the body of Christ.