The Church is currently in a state of regression – Pst. Adeboye

The Church is currently in a state of regression - Pst. Adeboye

The General Overseer of redeemed Christian Church of God, Pastor E.A Adeboye, has raised a sobering thought in a short exhortation released through the church’s PR, according the prophet of God, the Church is currently in a state of regression.

True Christians who once pledged allegiance to God could afterward turn back to live contrary to their avowed beliefs and declaration of faith. Some people come to accept Jesus at the peak of their hopeless situations only to abandon Him after receiving divine solutions to their problems.⁣

The Church is currently in a state of regression; many Christians are no longer living according to God’s word but rather, the standards of the world. We the children of God must be reformers people who would do the right thing no matter the cost. We must be people who will instruct fledgling and backslidden Christians, as well as unbelievers, to completely obey the word of God at all times.⁣

God is seeking reformers; are you one?

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David Oshin is a Content Creator || Full stack Web Developer||Podcast Host || Digital Marketing Strategist. He is very passionate about UNITY of the body of Christ.