Soul winning is Warfare (Pt4) – Pastor Faith Oyedepo

Mama Oyedepo preaching
Covenant Hour of Prayer- April 14th 2022

What is warfare, warfare is conflict, in this case, spiritual conflict, warfare is the waging of armed conflict against an enemy, this connotes that armed is used.
The bible tells us that the weapon of our warfare are not carnal, the enemy has its own arm, we have our own arms. It is warfare because we are pushing people out of darkness to light, it takes enduement of power to be an effective witness for Jesus.

Luke 10:19- behold I give unto you power, each time we go out for witness, let’s have this understanding that we have been giving power to thread upon serpent and scorpion and over all the power of the enemy.

When we go out, we go as one that is unhurtable, this understanding helps us with breakthrough over the power of the enemy. Every time we go out in our outreach, we anoint ourselves that we are unhurtable.

We must engage in prayer for those targeted for salvation for their rescue, when we engage in prayer, we recover by force.prayer is important to stop our convert from going back to their vomit.

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David Oshin is a Content Creator || Full stack Web Developer||Podcast Host || Digital Marketing Strategist. He is very passionate about UNITY of the body of Christ.