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Our Focal Scripture speaks of how the star of Jesus was seen in the east, prompting the wise men to come to Jerusalem. Herod was still alive whilst the star of Jesus began to shine. Herod was still alive when the greatness of Jesus began to make news. Herod did not need to die before Jesus’ greatness found expression. The negativity in Jesus’ environment was still there when the star of Jesus began to shine in the east.

Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: the Herod’s of this world cannot and will not stop your shining. Even if Herod is still alive, you will shine brightly. Even if the wickedness of the wicked is still in operation, you will still shine brighter and brighter. Even if the oppositions you face are yet to give way, you will still shine brighter and brighter. Even if the setbacks you encountered in time past are not fully resolved, they will not stop your shining.

Herod was a hater of Jesus; He didn’t want Jesus to see the light of day; He didn’t want to have someone he considered a rival within the same kingdom, but while he lived, the star of Jesus went global, beyond the shores of Israel. Hear me as I hear the Lord: despite the presence of your haters and rivals, your star will go global. Despite the Herod’s around you, you will attain global visibility. Despite your Herod’s, you will shine brighter and brighter.

Herod was not even in charge or in control of the shining of Jesus. He could not determine when the star would appear or not appear. He could not eclipse the star of Jesus. Go and announce to the Herod’s of this world, that they cannot eclipse your star. Go and announce to the Herod’s around you, that they cannot control your shining. Herod might be on the throne, but Herod is not in control of how your life will emerge.

Welcome to that season where your star cannot be eclipsed. Welcome to that season where your star will shine despite the Herod’s of this world.

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