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No one can force himself on God to be listed into ministry just as it is not done even in a secular organisation.
It is employer who enlists labourers into the field – Matthew 10:1; Luke 10:1
If you’re not appointment you will be disappointed – Luke 10:1,17
If you’re not called, you will be cursed and crushed – Luke 10:17; Mark 16:20
If you’re not sent, you’ll be sent back – Acts 13:1-14.
If you don’t have divine backing, you’ll back out/ pack up
If you’re not called, you’ll end in a corner.
Calling is an honour from the Lord – Hebrews 5:14
Calling is giving oneself as a gift to the Lord – Numbers 18:6,7
Anyone who goes into ministry. Not called by God is a stranger according to scriptures and so has no divine endorsement, thus liable to death – Numbers 18:7

No one can force himself on God to be listed into ministry just as it is not done even in a secular organisation.
It is employer who enlists labourers into the field – Matthew 10:1; Luke 10:1
If you’re not appointment you will be disappointed – Luke 10:1,17
If you’re not called, you will be cursed and crushed – Luke 10:17; Mark 16:20
If you’re not sent, you’ll be sent back – Acts 13:1-14.
If you don’t have divine backing, you’ll back out/ pack up
If you’re not called, you’ll end in a corner.
Calling is an honour from the Lord – Hebrews 5:14
Calling is giving oneself as a gift to the Lord – Numbers 18:6,7
Anyone who goes into ministry. Not called by God is a stranger according to scriptures and so has no divine endorsement, thus liable to death – Numbers 18:7

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