Prayer & Fasting- The Live wire of every growing Church

Mama Oyedepo preaching

What a live wire is , is what prayer and fasting is to a growing Church, there cannot be effective church growth without prayer and fasting in place.

* Prayer is the platform for guaranteed noiseless breakthrough in church growth, guaranteed church growth us possible, but what is the key to it, without the key, struggling continues.

The key is Prayer. The bible says as soon as Zion travailed she brought forth her children, no prolonged labor, straight forward, quick and fast.

This happens in prayer and fasting.
You want to know what quick labor is, look at this commission, from inception, several months of prayer and fasting, even till now the prayers continue.
Every week, 1 day is set aside for prayer fasting, at the beginning of the year, 21 days of prayer and fasting.

*Nehemiah was used by God to mobilize other people to build the wall , it was essentially by prayers.

* prayer and fasting enhances divine guidance, when God guiides your step, you can be assured that testimonies will be the other of the day.
What keeps revival burning is genuine pursuit after God and not after Things, believers on fire don’t go after things , they go after God and things keep happening for them.

If your prayer and fasting focuses on God and his agenda, you have secured the future, if your prayer and fasting focuses on you and your desires the struggle continues.

Henotace Team

David Oshin is a Content Creator || Full stack Web Developer||Podcast Host || Digital Marketing Strategist. He is very passionate about UNITY of the body of Christ.