God does not reward efforts made, he rewards Results Obtained ( Pt. 3)

Pastor David Jnr Oyedepo (covenant day of favor_ April 24th 2022)

Every one that is a new creature in Christ has been given the ministry of reconciliation, every child of God is an instrument through which God reconciles the world to himself.

According to Scriptures, ministry of reconciliation is the ordination of every child of God, infact God made it very clear that to be fruitful is malfunction (John 15:5).

Every child of God is ordained to produce fruits, even from a natural point of view, we know no one changes class without passing a prescribed test, The word showed us, Abraham passed his test . Gen 21 : 1- Some time later God tested(A) Abraham. He said to him, “Abraham!”

“Here I am,”(B) he replied.

There is a commandment of the hour now that you must pass now, that you pass the test in the past, doesn’t mean you will pass this.

Promotion is not by groups but by individual, there is no corporate passing of test, we must take responsibility for personal engagement.


Henotace Team

David Oshin is a Content Creator || Full stack Web Developer||Podcast Host || Digital Marketing Strategist. He is very passionate about UNITY of the body of Christ.