By Will Maule
After President Trump halted a rally in Missouri so that a woman could receive medical attention, the crowd did something extraordinary when it broke into an accapella rendition of the classic Christian hymn, “Amazing Grace.”
Trump paused his energetic rally in Missouri Monday night after a woman fainted and first responders were sent in to help her out.
“Is there a doctor in the house, please? Doctor? Please. Thank you,” the president said as he pointed out the woman in the crowd. “Take your time, doctor,” he instructed, before saying to those helping her, “it’s fine, take your time, don’t rush her. She’s one of our great people.”
A hush fell on the crowd as the president, clearly in no hurry to continue proceedings, remained silent. Then, something quite remarkable occurred. As the woman received treatment and a concerned Trump looked on, the crowd began to sing the chorus from the well-known worship song:
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost, but now am found
Twas blind but now I see”
As the lady was escorted out and the crowd finished its singing, the president clapped and waved to the woman. Stepping back up to the mic, he said: “That was really something. I just want to thank everybody for the way you behaved — that was really beautiful.”
“Amazing Grace,” Trump added. “That was beautiful. Hopefully, she’ll be OK.”
Amid all the political tension facing the country, it was a powerful thing to witness such a moment of calm and compassion from those in attendance.