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“Serve the LORD with gladness: come before his presence with singing.” Psalm 100:2 (KJV)

When Jesus rode triumphantly into Jerusalem, He knew He was going to be arrested, accused, and condemned. Yet He still went because He is not a task Master. He is a Master that is ready to lay down His life.

Jesus was not murdered! He laid down His life and picked it up again. He did it intentionally! It was a strategic move. He decided to lay down His life for us because He loved us. But He will never force anyone to serve Him. You know many people have always asked: “Why didn’t God stop Adam from eating the forbidden fruit? God gave him the power of choice. And God will always respect his choice.

Therefore, in view of what the Lord has done, choose to serve Him with all that you have. He has shown you mercy. And you have seen the Grace of God at work in your life. If you are still waiting to be cajoled before you serve, then you don’t love Him. The Psalmist, in our scripture for the day, said, “Serve the Lord with gladness”. Be happy and grateful to serve.

If you appreciate the price He paid for you, your attitude will be different. He died for your sins! He said you shouldn’t go to hell. But it’s a choice! You can choose to become a drunkard and drink yourself to a state of stupor every day. You can even choose to sniff some kinds of stuff. He will still be looking at you. But if you love your Master, you will not abuse your body. If you love your Master, your wife will not become a punching bag. Why won’t you serve God? You were a disaster going somewhere to happen. But He saw you and saved you!

Child of God, you must make up your mind to serve God because you love Him and appreciate His loving kindness and goodness towards you.

Further Reading: Romans 12:1-21

Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Gen 20, 21, 22 / Evening- Matt: 6:19-34

The post CHOOSE TO SERVE THE LORD appeared first on The Redeemed Evangelical Mission (TREM).

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