[BOOK SUMMARY] Walking in Wisdom by Bishop Oyedepo

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Bishop David Oyedepo.

David Olaniyi Oyedepo (born 27 September 1954) is a Nigerian preacher, the founder of the Living Faith Church Worldwide, and presiding Bishop of the Faith Tabernacle in Ota, Ogun State, Nigeria.

The church is also known as Winners’ Chapel International.

The Winners’ Chapel International network of churches is located in over 300 cities, in all states of Nigeria and several cities across forty-five African nations, in Dubai, the United Kingdom and Europe, in Asia, and in the United States and Canada.

Oyedepo has been regarded as one of the pioneers of the Christian charismatic movement in Africa, and has been referred to as one of the most influential preachers to originate from Nigeria.

He is the Chancellor of Covenant University and Landmark University, and was named in 2011 by Forbes magazine as being the richest pastor in Nigeria.


It’s very obvious that the kind of church God is building in this era is a church that will have practical dominion as well as being in charge in all areas of life. The core purpose of this is for the appearing of Jesus.

Psalms 102:16 has this to say:

When the Lord shall build up Zion, he shall appear in his glory.(KJV)


For this to be achieved, wisdom is his strategy because its very crucial to the end time programme of God.

Proverb 24:3a has this to say:

It takes wisdom to build a house,

and understanding to set it on a firm foundation (TMB)

Through wisdom, the church will rule in the midst of her enemies.

Its wisdom that will make you toy with death as though it were not real.

In God’s word is wisdom.

The wisdom of God makes life pleasant to you.

Proverb 3:17 says:

The ways of wisdom are sweet,

always drawing you into the place of wholeness.


When operating in God’s wisdom, situations of life can’t be above you.


In God’s wisdom comes peace/rest. Which in turn guarantees divine intervention.

Exodus 14:14 has this to say:

The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace and remain at rest. (AMP)

Psalms 46:10:.

Let be and be still, and know (recognize and understand) that I am God. (AMP)


In order to triumph in life, the Fear of the Lord is the Basic Requirement. This is because access to supernatural wisdom is sure. Joseph is an example to observe in the scriptures below.

Gen 39:9b:

How then can I do this great evil and sin against God? (AMP)

Gen 42:18b:

I reverence and fear God.(AMP)

Wisdom takes you to the realms of exploits, victory and outstanding success. However it’s only accessible by the fear of the Lord.


This is why Divine wisdom demands ‘divine’ sanctity.

Sin is a destroyer and must not be toiled with.

Remember it destroyed Samson through adultery. It destroyed Solomon through immortality.

Sin deadens the mind. That is why you will notice that something in you dies anytime you sin.

Safeguarding the sanctity of our mind is key and we can do so by walking in purity.


All life’s problems are mathematical in nature and you can solve it by operating the wisdom of God because such wisdom delivers miracles.

The word is God’s wisdom. It sounds foolish to some people, yet it’s wiser than men.

1 Corinthians 1:25 has this to say:

For the “foolish” things of God have proven to be wiser than human wisdom ( TPT).

The wisdom of God is creative in nature.

There’s nothing stolen that God’s wisdom cannot replace. This is why his creative force is embedded in his wisdom.

It is your spirit that gives directives to your mind so as to enable you to contact the wisdom of God.


The mission of your spirit is to collect secrets from the Holy Spirit and deliver them to your mind for action.

Every situation has a solution by the wisdom of God.




Since breathing, eating, sleeping is common to human existence, so is warfare to Christians. These warfares give us an opportunity to demonstrate our fore-ordained victory.

Wisdom is what differentiate success and failure in warfare. Little wonder why Proverb 4:7a says:

Wisdom is the most valuable commodity—so buy it!

Success in any battle is a function of the strategy employed.

It’s God’s wisdom that exposes the enemy’s trap. This is because the plan of the enemy is to get you blinded, so that you don’t know what weapon to use in conflict.

This is why effective warfare begins with insight into the word of God.

Understanding is what triggers faith.

It’s your responsibility to squeeze faith out of God’s word… This is done by meditation.

The same way digestion brings out the nutrients in the food, it’s the same faith squeezes out the nutrients in the word.


The way every car has seats, wisdom too need a seat from which to operate.

When you submitted your life to Christ, you ceased to become a supernatural man, no longer a natural man.

Your mind became sound, which is a gift of God that has been redeemed. This sound mind of yours, is also the mind of Christ. It’s the Creator’s mind.

Having this kind of mind means you have the Creator’s mental capacity. Your mind becomes peculiar, not just common.

When your mind begins to operate at Christ’s frequency, you’d be able to obtain supernatural results the way Christ did.

This is why when such wisdom is in operation, mighty works are the proofs

( mighty and outstanding results).

No wonder your mind is the compass of your destiny,because it gives direction to your life.

Proverbs 23:7a has this to say:

For as he thinks within himself, so is he.(TPT)

The mind stores memories and projections. This is why dreams are destiny boosters because they help you set mental goals.

Your mind is the seat of wisdom where you process information for actions.


Once God gives you a gift, it’s irretrievable.

This is why you must ‘sound’ your mind for it to become sound.

There is substance loaded in your mind that can make you the envy of your generation.

What you need to succeed is insight, not capital; and the insight you need demands your humility.

Make your brain work. It will sweat, but it will improve. It will develop until you become the envy of people around you.

When you understand strategy, your struggles all end.

Never forget that those who try God lies in trials, but those who trust him, live in triumphs.


Also know that learning sharpens and sparks off understanding in the mind.


Again, relationships play a vital role in sharpening your mind.

Once a relationship does not bring you positive additions, particularly in your reasoning, you’re not safe.

This is why you need to make a careful appraisal of your relationships else what looks ‘cheerful’ today may become ‘tearful’ tomorrow.



The greatest discovery of life is the discovery of life.

Your uniqueness shows that you have a unique destiny.

Remember, a product does not determine its destiny, its manufacturer does. God is our manufacturer and we are his products.

As a believer, you have divine abilities inside of you, what becomes of your destiny is by discovery and exploiting these abilities. Also check if you always feel joyful when engaging in these abilities.

This is why God’s calling isn’t based on natural abilities, but on predestination.

There’s a need to abide by your calling/gifts. This is because pleasure comes when you have located the path for your life and identified with it.

Stay where God placed you and you’ll see that you’ll start shining. Don’t allow the phrase: ‘what will people think’ rob you of your place in destiny. Because identity is where your strength lies.

Never complain to others. Wise people don’t do such things.


Tenacity means to hold fast, to stick stiffly. It’s an uncompromised commitment.

John 4:34 has this to say:

Then Jesus spoke up and said, “My food is to be doing the will of him who sent me and bring it to completion.” (TPT)

Christ’s commitment to his mission became like food to him.

The world will only pay attention to you to the degree to which you pay attention to your work.

This is why accomplishment obeys the law of seedtime and harvest.

Sowing the seed of commitment enables you to reap it.

Commitment is the highway to honor. There’s no substitute for it.

No amount of prayer is a substitute for commitment. Even fasting will not substitute for it.

You can only make your calling and election sure by an ‘unshakable’ commitment.

Commitment distinguishes you and brings you to great heights.


Commitment is wisdom and wisdom enthrones.


To be versatile means being able to move freely. Something capable of many uses.

There are a couple of things that enhance versatility, some of which are;


This is the fundamental way of being versatile in your pursuit in life. It’s one of the fastest ways to get results.

Planning is God’s wisdom for increased productivity.

Every enterprise is built by wise planning.

Your desires should be within your income.

Planning makes life easy. By engaging your mind, you can walk out of trouble and emerge in bright colors.

Get at the Facts:

A fact is a truth, reality or state of things.

There are natural, technical or spiritual facts.

A natural fact is a truth pertaining to nature.

A technical fact is a truth pertaining to art or applied science.

Spiritual facts are superior to all. Because whatever is from above is above all.

Men who are linked up to spiritual facts effortlessly excel in life.

Facts make you stand out

Reason your way to the Top:

Reasoning is godliness. Godliness means god–like–ness.

Reasoning is a quality of God.

Nobody can make reasonable results without reasoning. Put your covenant mind to work and you will make it.

Remember, Christianity is a walk in wisdom.



✍???? Sin deadens the mind.


✍???? Divine wisdom demands ‘divine’ sanctity.


✍???? When operating in God’s wisdom, situations of life can’t be above you.


✍???? In order to triumph in life, the Fear of the Lord is the Basic Requirement.


✍???? The word is God’s wisdom.


✍???? The wisdom of God is creative in nature.


✍???? Wisdom is what differentiate success and failure in warfare.


✍???? Success in any battle is a function of the strategy employed.


✍???? Understanding is what triggers off faith.


✍???? Your mind is the compass of your destiny.


✍???? Dreams are destiny boosters.


✍???? When you understand strategy, your struggles all end.


✍???? The greatest discovery of life is the discovery of life.


✍???? Commitment is the highway to honour.

Henotace Team

David Oshin is a Content Creator || Full stack Web Developer||Podcast Host || Digital Marketing Strategist. He is very passionate about UNITY of the body of Christ.