shiloh 2022 declaration



Prayer is a powerful tool that is available to believers in order to achieve their destinies and overcome challenges. It is a force that can be wielded by those who approach it in accordance with Scriptural principles. In the parable of the sower, Jesus teaches that the kingdom of heaven is like a man who sows good seed in his field, but while he sleeps, an enemy comes and sows tares among the wheat. When the blade sprouts and brings forth fruit, the tares are also visible. This parable is a reminder that everything contrary to good in the life of a believer is the work of the enemy, who is constantly seeking to derail our progress and prevent us from reaching our full potential.

The Bible warns us to be sober and vigilant, because the devil is like a roaring lion, constantly on the prowl, looking for ways to destroy us. In Isaiah 5:1-2, we are told that God has planted us on a very fruitful hill and has fenced and protected us, because we are His choicest vine. The enemy is jealous of our position and wants to see us fail, just as he did not rest until he got Adam and Eve out of the garden of Eden. However, through the power of prayer, we can resist the devil and overcome his efforts to distract and discourage us.

In James 4:7, we are told to submit to God and resist the devil, and he will flee from us. This suggests that the devil can be stopped and arrested through the force of prayer. In order to have victory in any conflict, it is important to have knowledge and understanding. We must also be proactive in taking action and arising to the challenges that come our way. This may involve preparing and programming ourselves through prayer, fasting, and study.

Even when we are facing opposition and it seems like progress is slow or non-existent, it is important to persevere and keep pushing forward. Trust in God and His plans for your life, and continue to pray for strength and guidance. Remember that the enemy will not give up easily and will try to distract and discourage you, but with faith and determination, you can overcome any obstacle and achieve the glorious destiny that God has planned for you. So, it is very important for a believer to pray and depend on God for everything.


Prayer has a variety of benefits for believers. It can provide help from above, as we are able to access the power of God to overcome challenges and difficulties in our lives. This help can come in the form of mercy, grace, and strength, and it can be accessed through bold and persistent prayer. In addition to providing help, prayer can also bring about healing, both physically and emotionally. It can restore relationships, bring about deliverance from oppression, and provide guidance and direction. Furthermore, prayer can increase our faith and deepen our relationship with God, as we spend time in His presence and communicate with Him. It can also be a source of comfort and peace, as we trust in the sovereignty of God and lay our burdens at His feet.

Prayer can also bring about spiritual growth and maturity. As we pray and seek God’s will, we are able to better understand His purpose for our lives and align our hearts and minds with His. This can lead to increased obedience and a desire to serve Him more fully. Prayer also has the ability to bring about spiritual warfare and victory. As we stand in the gap and pray for others, we are able to fight against the enemy and his attacks on their lives. Additionally, prayer can bring about unity and fellowship among believers. When we pray together, we are able to experience a deeper sense of community and support, and we can also intercede for one another and lift each other up in prayer. Finally, prayer can be a source of inspiration and creativity. As we spend time with God, we are able to tap into His wisdom and receive ideas and solutions that we may not have been able to come up with on our own. Overall, prayer is a powerful tool that can bring about numerous blessings and benefits in the life of a believer.


Prayer is an important aspect of a person’s relationship with God, and it is essential to properly prepare the heart before engaging in prayer. The heart is the place of communion between God and man, and it is where the sacrifices of praise and incense of prayers are offered. God looks at the heart and is moved by it, rather than by outward appearances or physical efforts. Therefore, it is important to prepare the heart for an encounter with God through prayer. One way to prepare the heart is through consecration, or purifying it from sin. Sin is a barrier to prayer and God will not even hear the prayers of the wicked. It is only through a pure heart and clean hands that one can approach the presence of God. Another way to prepare the heart is through repentance, which involves acknowledging and confessing one’s sins and turning away from them. Repentance is necessary for forgiveness and restoration, and it allows for a closer relationship with God. In addition to consecration and repentance, preparing the heart also involves aligning it with God’s will and seeking His kingdom first. This involves setting aside one’s own desires and seeking to do God’s will, as well as prioritizing the things of God above all else. Finally, preparing the heart involves cultivating a heart of thanksgiving, which involves being grateful and expressing gratitude to God for all that He has done. All of these elements are necessary for a successful encounter with God through prayer and for receiving answers to prayers.

LEAD #4- The Importance of Preparation in Prayer

Prayer is a crucial aspect of a person’s relationship with God, but it is important to properly prepare for prayer in order for it to be effective. One key aspect of preparation is utilizing the Word of God, as it is the only thing that grants access to heaven and enables communication with God. Without the Word, prayers become a worthless exercise and will not be heard by God. It is important to properly prepare and position oneself before approaching God, just as a lawyer would gather relevant materials to win a case. Lack of Word preparation is often the cause of frustration in prayer. Proper Word preparation involves aligning oneself with God’s will, setting aside personal desires, and seeking His kingdom first. It also involves cultivating a heart of thanksgiving and expressing gratitude to God. When the heart is stuffed with relevant Scriptures that allow for effective communication of desires, prayer becomes effectual and has the ability to release tremendous power. It is important to properly prepare in the Word in order to avoid vibrations and gyrations in prayer and to achieve victory. By engaging in Word-backed prayer, one can secure an approval from heaven before even beginning to speak. It is through proper preparation and utilizing the Word that one can experience true encounter with God through prayer.


Prayer is a vital part of the Christian faith and a powerful means of communication with God. It allows us to present our requests and needs to Him, and to seek His guidance and direction in our lives. In order to see results in our prayers, it is important to prepare ourselves through the study of God’s Word and the cultivation of faith. This includes understanding the will of God for our situation and developing an unwavering assurance in His faithfulness.

The Word of God is powerful and can shatter the darkness of conflict, but it must be allowed to enter our hearts and generate faith before it can become light. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, and it is the ticket on which we take delivery of anything from heaven. Without faith, prayer will be unproductive and we will not receive the answers we seek. Therefore, it is necessary to spend time in the Word and allow it to transform our hearts and minds before presenting our requests to God in prayer.

In addition to Word preparation and faith, it is also important to approach God with a proper attitude in prayer. This includes humility, reverence, and a willingness to submit to His will. When we come before God in prayer, we should do so with a heart that is open and receptive to His leading and guidance. We should also approach Him with a sense of gratitude and thanksgiving, recognizing all that He has done for us and all that He continues to do in our lives.

As we seek to see results in our prayers, it is important to remember that God is sovereign and His plans and purposes will ultimately prevail. We should pray with a sense of trust and reliance on Him, knowing that He is faithful and will answer according to His will and in His timing. As we pray and seek His face, we can have confidence that He will lead us and guide us in the way that is best for us.


  1. Prayer is a powerful tool that can help believers achieve their destinies and overcome challenges.
  2. The benefits of prayer include help, healing, restoration, guidance, comfort, spiritual growth, spiritual warfare, unity and fellowship, and inspiration.
  3. It is important to approach prayer with a right attitude, including humility, repentance, and persistence.
  4. In order to see results in prayer, it is necessary to prepare through the study of God’s Word and the cultivation of faith.
  5. Trust in God’s sovereignty and pray according to His will.
  6. Word preparation and faith are essential components of effective prayer.
  7. The enemy will try to distract and discourage believers, but with faith and determination, they can overcome any obstacle.
  8. Prayer can bring about spiritual growth and maturity, as well as deepen our relationship with God.
  9. Praying together with other believers can increase unity and fellowship.
  10. God is sovereign and His plans and purposes will ultimately prevail.
  11. It is important to persevere in prayer and not give up, even when progress seems slow or non-existent.
  12. The Word of God is powerful and can shatter the darkness of conflict, but it must be allowed to enter our hearts and generate faith before it can become light.
  13. Faith is the substance of things hoped for and is necessary for effective prayer.
  14. We should approach God in prayer with confidence, knowing that He will answer according to His will.
  15. Prayer can be a source of strength, guidance, and peace in times of difficulty and uncertainty.

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David Oshin is a Content Creator || Full stack Web Developer||Podcast Host || Digital Marketing Strategist. He is very passionate about UNITY of the body of Christ.