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Our Focal Scripture captures the fact that whilst Jesus left Jericho, He was followed by His disciples and a great multitude of people. Notice that it was blind Bartimaeus who was singled out and given a miracle. These multitudes followed Jesus, but it didn’t seem that they got Him to do anything meaningful in their lives. They were content to follow the Lord without evidence. They were content to follow the Lord without results.

Friend, in 2024, I am aware that it is okay to follow the Lord, but dare to be like Bartimaeus who demanded for his own life to be turned around. Dare to be that one whose life is full of evidence of the goodness of God. Be that man whose life puts the goodness and the power of God on display. Be that man who follows the Lord with evidence to show that He is good. Be that one who places a demand on the power of God.

The multitudes who followed Jesus eventually became witnesses of the miracle of blind Bartimaeus. They were content to follow without evidence, and they became witnesses of the miracle of the one who dared to follow with evidence. If you choose to follow the Lord without ever placing a demand for the grace and power in Him, you may end up being a spectator in the miracle of those who have chosen to follow with evidence.

Make a commitment in 2024, to be that one who will make demands on the power of God. Be the example of one who God has helped. Demand to move from being a mere spectator of the works of God, to being a partaker. Press into Jesus and demand for a turnaround that will cause multitudes to be drawn to Him. Place a demand on the grace of God and demand for results therefrom. Dare to be that one that will be singled out for miracles.

This year, refuse to be that follower of Jesus whose life will not put the works of God on display. It’s okay to follow Jesus, but it is much better to follow Him as an evidence of the power and mercy of God.

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