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Our Focal Scripture makes mention of the fact that the raid of the Amalekites began from the desert area. The approach of the enemies of David was through the dry places near David’s dwelling. The dryness around David became the entry point of the invasion of his enemies. The dryness around David became the open door for the attack of the enemy. The dryness around David became the decimation of his ‘Ziklag’.

Friend, in all your doings, never choose the path of dryness. Every dryness around you is a gateway for the enemy to invade your destiny. Every dryness in your spirit man is an access point for the enemy to decimate your destiny. Every dryness in your dwelling is the opportunity of the enemy to make a mess of your destiny. Every dryness in your walk with God is an opportunity for the enemy to consolidate his position in your life.

The trouble with the desert area around David’s dwelling was the fact that when his enemies attacked, even his wives and children became victims. David was not at Ziklag, but those who dwelt with him in the environment of dryness became victims of the enemy. The trouble with the dryness you are playing with is that others connected to you could become victims of dryness. The dryness you permit is a disaster for your generation.

If you are currently dwelling in dryness, now is the time to arise and shift grounds. Now is the time to arise and refuse to be spiritually empty. Now is the time to arise and refuse to be at the beck and call of the enemy. Now is the time to arise and refuse every dryness the enemy is positioning around you. Now is the time to push forward with the fullness of Jesus and do away with the emptiness the enemy wants to plant around you.

Remember, dryness is never in your best interest. Spiritual emptiness is not your friend. Refuse to dwell in dryness. Refuse to allow an environment of dryness around you.

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