You will give account to God

I hope we are not getting to a stage where Sodom and Gomorrah will feel cheated with the judgment that came upon them when compared with evil of this generation, we permit just too much, we accept just anything as a norm because we don’t want to be under the axe of anyone, just to be socially acceptable, but we must understand something, God will require of us the bod of the sinners in our sphere , if we don’t tell them the truth.
If a believer does not have a stand at this time, it is simply because he / she has been compromised, have you heard of the term “if she is comfortable with it, what is your business , are you the one to teach people right or wrong” . First off, it is my business because the commanded me to preach the gospel and not just me, every believer, he has assigned us to tell people the truth, common, Jesus described us as the light of the world, the salt of the earth, we are to show people the way, we are to tell people the truth.
There is no way a person can say he is comfortable being gay or lesbian, there is no way someone can say sincerely from his/her there is no God, those doing this are just deceiving themselves, they have simply taught themselves to believe a lie, they have partnered with the master of lies, the devil in making them believe that is how they are suppose to live their lives, brethren, I know you wont be socially approved, but , be committed to telling people the truth and not encouraging to live in their lives because we don’t want people to see us as itk, oversabi, holiest of all and all that term.
We have an account to give before God, so we must be dutiful in our assignment, let people know your stand anywhere you go, announce your stand ontime before they come to lure you into their party, stand for the truth, stand for Jesus, Stand for righteousness, in the last days people will be looking for comfortable messages in Sin, don’t preach that kind of message, let your message be clean and clear.
God bless you.
David Oshin