I can read my bible myself

I don’t need to follow any man, I can read the bible for myself, the examples given in the scriptures are enough to follow, we have Paul the apostle and other apostles, this is the mentality of some people.

Actually, this is a sincere thought but coated with either ignorance or pride or both of them, many of the believers who talk like this have logical reasons to back up their point.  You can’t trust any pastor, this , this and that.

The truth  is we need to understand what the scripture says about any matter so we don’t run into problems, you can never understand the scriptures all by yourself, the bible is not a literature book or a book of bible stories like we read when we were much younger. The bible is a spiritual book that can only be spiritually interpreted, the bible tells us about the  Ethiopian eunuch, a man of great authority reading the scriptures but didn’t understand it, the Spirit of the Lord instructed Philip to go near and join his chariot, Philip explained to him the scriptures by the Inspiration of the Holy Spirit (Acts 8:26-39).

We all need spiritual leaders to explain the truths in the scriptures, I understand you are born again, you have the Holy Spirit and you speak in tongues, the bible explains to us that God has given to the church Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers whose job is to perfect the saints, for the work of ministry and edifying the body of Christ, (Eph. 4:11-13) .It simply means God gave them grace to reveal truths in the scripture to perfect us, we all need perfecting in different areas of our lives.

If we can understand the scriptures all by ourselves, there is no need for the gifts God sent into the body of Christ for the edification of the body, in the book of Jeremiah, God said I will give you pastors after my heart, you need a pastor, you need someone to guide you in the truth, we all have the Holy spirit in us  as guide as believers, but we also have people  who have the spirit of God and the grace of God to guide us in the truth of scriptures.

You cannot stand alone as a Christian, it is dangerous, we need to be submitted to spiritual authority, we need to be in fellowship with brethren, online Christianity doesn’t guarantee a future in your walk with God, you cant just be a youtube Christian or a facebook Christian, join a local church, join a family of God, be a responsible Christian, serve in whatever capacity you can and learn how manage people’s character, humans are not angels, neither are pastors, give allowance for people’s fault and live a fulfilled life in Christ.

I love you

David Oshin

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David Oshin is a Content Creator || Full stack Web Developer||Podcast Host || Digital Marketing Strategist. He is very passionate about UNITY of the body of Christ.