Women Of The Godkind Maiden Convention Comes Up In October, 2018

Hello ! This is great News to Single spirit filled ladies because Women of the God kind first convention is slated for the month of October.


According to the team lead ,Women of the God kind,  Joyce Oyedepo , this convention will replace the march conferences, and the theme is Faith to Move mountains.

Special Speakers for this Convention Includes Pst Faith Oyedepo, Ty Bello. It will be  time of Special Impartation by the word of God and the Venue is African Development Centre, Canaan Land and the Date is 12 and 13th of October 2018

Henotace Team

David Oshin is a Content Creator || Full stack Web Developer||Podcast Host || Digital Marketing Strategist. He is very passionate about UNITY of the body of Christ.

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