Bishop oyedepo at dunamis KPGWC

Moses was very meek above the others that were on the face of the earth. Very meek. And you could see the grace of God heavy upon his life.
Exodus 11:3

Moses was very meek and great. And the grace of God is the maker of every man in the Kingdom. Very meek, access to great Grace that made him very great and there was not a prophet since Israel became a nation like unto Moses whom God knew face to face. Amen.

He was 120 years old. His natural face was not abated, his eyes were not dim. Grace so heavy, God buried him directly. No one knew the burial place of Moses. Very meek, very great. You know the reason why? The meek shall He teach in the way that He shall choose.

The meek shall He teach His ways. When we stop learning, we start losing ground to the enemy. It takes meekness to keep learning.

Let me drop this here. The Lord said to us ‘to ‘double the number of cells in our church this year – that was in January. And I said, “Lord, we have exhausted the little we know from all the resources we have. How do we go about it?”

And He inspired in my spirit to identify those members in the church who are cell ministers who have record of successful/great cell growth.

So, because we have a lot of data on those things, we were able to find those who developed 5 cells in 2 months, those who grew into 7 cells in 6 months, to find out what they did …from people who I taught, have applied what they learnt appropriately and generated results.

So, we got a number of them, about a 100 plus, I can’t remember precisely, uhm, synthesized, analysed them to find out what they did that led to that dramatic growth in their respective areas.

And so, we did a seminar and got everybody into it. Unusual visitation. The greatest visitation in cell growth in our lives – learning from members of the church who got results. It’s so easy. We put their names, put their areas and provinces. What they did, how it grew and then we taught the people how to plug into it. Usual thing – 10,000 cells, 15,000 cells, 20,000 cells. My God!

And across our church, all sorts. There’s a state where they had about 200 per cent growth in cells. Fire! Learning from those that you taught. It takes a lot of meekness to keep learning.

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