We Will Forever Remember – 20. 10. 20

We Will Forever Remember - 20. 10. 20

Nigerians born and unborn will remember this day – #blacktuesday.

We cannot erase from the collective memory how the disbelief of a nation turned to shock, horror, heartbreak and unspeakable sorrow as our unarmed children were shot at, injured, maimed and killed, in the course of a peaceful protest.

We will not forget how our democracy and our nation was dealt a near-mortal blow by the brute force and deadly violence of our very own soldiers, using the Lekki toll gate as a shooting range and our children as target practice!

May the souls of those whom we have lost rest in perfect peace; and we assure you that while remembering them as martyrs, we consider it a duty to demand and receive justice in the matter of their cold-blooded murder. I pray for healing for everyone who was injured, bereaved or traumatised by the carnage we witnessed. You are not alone. We feel your pain, we pray with you and we stand with you.

Dear Father, with one voice, we pray for our people and ask for your divine intervention and healing over our nation. We cry out for peace and justice in our land. We stand on your word even as we pursue our rights and seek justice, in Jesus name.


Henotace Team

David Oshin is a Content Creator || Full stack Web Developer||Podcast Host || Digital Marketing Strategist. He is very passionate about UNITY of the body of Christ.