*A king doesn’t walk carelessly, a king doesn’t walk half naked in the name of fashion.


Young people, you can’t ask for a king and they say they don’t know where he went, they will know where you are located per time, in case the village people have an issue , they know where to go to, but when you find a young chap, a young lady and you ask, where are you going and he or she replies, I don’t know where I am going, I am not a king after all, I am not a queen, I am just a peasant, yes! that is who you are.

A king doesn’t walk carelessly, a king doesn’t walk half naked in the name of fashion, a king doesn’t wear trousers and it is below the belt( sagging).

Help me ask young fellows ,are you a king? Pick up your royal behavior, don’t  behave a slave and claim to be  a king, there are some nonsense clothes you wear that you should burn with fire, that’s why many fall into wrong hands and live wrong lives, they see you as a call girl, so they call you to marry you and you marry into trouble because of your behavior.

There are those Christians that nobody can ever mention in their ears, that will you like to join a cult, their life is too bright for that nonsense, when they sent you to them, you report back that the man’s eyes is full of fire, I couldn’t deliver the message, they sent a girl to catch you, but there is fire all over you.

Don’t ever tell an elder you don’t know how to be young, nobody jumps the queue, you have to be young first then you become an elder, don’t tell me I don’t know what it means to be young.

I was once young, and I knew the play boys when we were young, they are still play men today and I knew some play girls when we were young,  they are  still play women today, wake up and put on your royal behavior.




Henotace Team

David Oshin is a Content Creator || Full stack Web Developer||Podcast Host || Digital Marketing Strategist. He is very passionate about UNITY of the body of Christ.