The Prisoner of the Lord (II)

David Oshin


The part (1) of this article was a basic introduction into the concept of the “prisoner of the Lord” , however in the part (II) , we would be going deeper into the topic, you can review the part one by clicking here.

Freedom carries a greater burden than bondage, and many people don’t realize this, the burden of freedom of self- discipline is far greater than burden of bondage, Yes! We are free from the task-master ;the devil ,by the finished work of Christ and by the power of the blood, but to enjoy the fullness of the blessing that comes along with the freedom demands high level discipline, and not just discipline but self discipline!!!. Self discipline is the highest form of discipline and only few that subscribe to it stand out in life. A believer should have a “Everybody can but I cannot  mentality” a believer is restricted from many pleasures of life because his principal aim is pleasing the master and not the world. Jesus said you cannot serve two masters ( Matt. 6 :24), you cannot please God and the devil at the same time. That a pastor or a bishop is doing something bad doesn’t  make it good, i see the cancer of “everybody is doing it” fast destroying the spirituality of believers. There should be a distinct line that demarcates a believer form an unbeliever, some things should never be found with a believer. Never!!! Only those who are different ever make a difference. A believer should be ready to stand out even though it means standing alone.  Evil is Evil no matter the personality involved. Self discipline is what Paul called imprisonment, because self discipline means becoming a law to yourself, some things may not be bad in itself, but its bad for you because you are a believer, talk more of doing evil comfortably, lieing with dignity, fornicating with pride, and some even go as far as saying, i am the righteousness of God, no matter what I do, it doesn’t matter, brother ! It matters . Self discipline is the imprisonment of a believer, the believer imprisoned to carnal pleasures,  imprisoned to lusts, imprisoned to covetousness, Imprisoned by the love of God.


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David Oshin is a Content Creator || Full stack Web Developer||Podcast Host || Digital Marketing Strategist. He is very passionate about UNITY of the body of Christ.

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