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The Future Of Love

The Future Of Love. Models make life easy, our senior Pastor gave us a leadership model; a book called ‘Dear Leader’, Gary Chapman created the five love languages, a model that helps people understand how to give and receive love, there are so many similar models that make life easier. One of the things that can help us in our walk with God and people is when we understand God’s models of love.


(Mark 3:13-15 NLT). Peace is a mental state of non-resistance to God and His will resulting in absolute trust in the outcome. We lack peace when we don’t trust God’s ability to control the outcome of an event in our favour. We sometimes think we are smart so we want to control the outcome of what God said He would do. Doing this will only cause pain to us and to others.

How we can operationalise peace
To become a person of peace you need to understand the place of brooding and contemplation, this is how God develops peace in His children (Genesis 1:1 MSG). So many people that God used in the Bible had to go through their own wilderness experience. We cannot ascend the heights that God wants us to until we are broken and the place where God breaks people is in the wilderness. 

How God helps us develop capacity for peace (Phillipians 4:4-7 NLT)

Always be full of joy in the lord: We must be joyful at all times, we must be joyful through the process even when we cannot see the end.
Be considerate in all you do: (Matthew 7:12) anyone that has not learnt to be considerate in a relationship cannot bring peace
Don’t worry about anything: Worry deprives you of the energy required to conceive and create the future. If you can do something about a situation then do it but if you can’t then you have to move on.
Pray about everything. There are many things that will always be beyond human comprehension and the earlier we understand that the better.


(Genesis 1:1-2). It is either what God created was in a state of imperfection or God’s creations have potential for corruption. There is nobody we meet that is in a state of perfection, we are all works in progress. The creativity, corruption, imperfection, cycle is what drives development and growth. Everything around us in the state of evolution.

The worst thing to happen to a Christian is for them to build their identity on things that are fleeting. 2 Corinthians 4:18 NIV. You cannot build your identity on another human being or things. As long as you hold the interpretation that something or someone is your identity then you will end up experiencing pain. The worst thing is that you might not even realise it even when it is pointed out to you, you have to come to the realisation by yourself and actively walk away from these things with the help of the Holy Spirit.

An excerpt from the sermon by Pastor Ayo Bankole on Wednesday, February 14, 2023

Watch this sermon here

The post The Future Of Love appeared first on Daystar Christian Centre.

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