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Share Your Testimony

“And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.” Revelation 12:11 (KJV)

One of the things I strongly encourage you to do this year is to share your testimony. Let us know what God has done in your life. This will do two things: 1. It will encourage others who are going through similar challenges to trust God, and 2. It will further strengthen your faith.

When you are giving a testimony, either personally or in writing, you are re-echoing the goodness of God. You unconsciously replay the entire incident in your mind and see how God came through for you. This seals the truth in your heart that God will always come through, and whenever you encounter another challenge, you can confront it with boldness that God can be trusted.

When you share your testimony, I am also encouraged. As your Pastor, I desire to see you become all that God has ordained for you. My joy is to see you fulfilling your purpose. My joy is to see you excel in all areas of your endeavours, and when you share your testimony, you make my heart glad. It is like cold water to the thirsty. So, share your testimony. You can mail it to

Interestingly, even in Jesus’ ministry, He encouraged people to come back to give God thanks. Look at the story of the ten lepers that were cleansed. Jesus said to them, “Were there not ten cleansed?” In other words, he expected all ten to come back and testify. Will you be in the camp of the nine who ran away with their healing or in the camp of the one who came back to testify and was not only healed but also became whole?

This Year, decide to be grateful. Take nothing for granted. As the Lord blesses you, share your testimony and encourage someone.

Further Reading: Luke 17:11-19

Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Gen. 12-14 / Evening-Matt.5:1-26

The post Share Your Testimony appeared first on The Redeemed Evangelical Mission (TREM).

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