Pro-Life Champions, Producers of the Highly acclaimed 40 Film and the Shout My Story campaign, has released a beautiful short film titled The Miracle Baby Thomas Story

Pro-Life Champions, the producers of the highly acclaimed 40 Film and the Shout My Story campaign, has released a beautiful short film titled The Miracle Baby Thomas Story on their website and on social media through YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

The Miracle Baby Thomas Story Is a compelling and heartwarming true story that takes you through the struggles of Dan and Deborah FioRito, who are the parents of nine beautiful children. Their youngest child Baby Thomas, was born at only 22 weeks. Doctors and nurses didn’t believe that he would survive, and recommended aborting him, and yet despite a million to one odds, he’s perfectly healthy. This powerful short film will touch hearts and change minds about viability and the sanctity of human life.

Nothing stopped Dan and Deborah FioRito from fighting for Baby Thomas’ life despite the most difficult of circumstances.

Dan believes that big things are meant for his little guy who recently celebrated his second birthday and says, “Thomas is a testament to life and there’s a reason that Thomas was born the way he is. I firmly believe it’s God’s will to affect others.”

Baby Thomas’ mother Deborah adds,  “Don’t let anyone tell you what is viable and not viable. Thomas came into the world. I had never even heard of a baby being born at 22 weeks and not only did he come into the world but he’s perfect. You know it’s amazing. It was a miracle.”

The Shout My Story campaign was created in response to websites like that was recently promoted by Oprah Winfrey and celebrates abortion as normal and a positive good. gives a platform to women and couples to share their life affirming stories. Women are often encouraged, even pressured, to abort their babies in a variety of circumstances. If a woman is poor, young, undereducated, or a rape victim, she is told abortion is best. If her baby is diagnosed with a fetal abnormality, she is offered “termination” and might even be made to feel she is being “selfish” if she chooses life for her baby.

40 Director and Producer John Morales, who also wrote, produced and directed this life affirming short film says, “I believe that The Miracle Baby Thomas Story is an amazing, emotionally powerful short film that will touch your heart and inspire you to choose life despite the most difficult gut-wrenching circumstances. The story of Baby Thomas must be shared with America and with the world.”

The Miracle Baby Thomas Story is available at and on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.

Source: Christian News Wire           

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David Oshin is a Content Creator || Full stack Web Developer||Podcast Host || Digital Marketing Strategist. He is very passionate about UNITY of the body of Christ.

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