Philippine president calls God “STUPID”, Church leaders urges nation to fast and pray for God’s mercy


Christian leaders in the Philippines have called for a period of fasting and prayer after President Rodrigo Duterte called God “stupid” during a recent speech.

On Monday, Archbishop Romulo Valles, president of the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines, designated July 16 as a day of prayer for “God’s mercy and justice on those who have blasphemed God’s holy name, those who slander and bear false witness and those who commit murder or justify murder as a means for fighting criminality.

Valles also asked the nation to fast for three or more days starting July 17Unity

The call to prayer comes after Duterte publicly called the God of the Bible “stupid” for allowing Adam and Eve to sin, sparking backlash from politicians and faith leaders.

Opposition Senator Antonio Trillanes IV called the Philippines president an “evil man” for his comments.

“It is the height of arrogance of power not only to disrespect and spit on an individual’s faith but also to act as though he is a God,” Trillanes said in a statement.

However, Duterte is doubling down on his remarks.

According to Fox News, the president said he would resign if someone could prove God exists by showing him a picture or selfie of God interacting with mankind.

Source : Breaking Christian News

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David Oshin is a Content Creator || Full stack Web Developer||Podcast Host || Digital Marketing Strategist. He is very passionate about UNITY of the body of Christ.

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