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Our Focal Scripture speaks of how Herod killed James the brother of John. Herod had determined to oppress the members of the early church, and James became a victim. There were lots of other members of that early church that survived the oppression of Herod, but James became a casualty. James became a victim of the wickedness of Herod. James became a victim of the throne and king that ruled over Israel. James was a victim.

Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: in 2024, you will not be a victim. You will not be a victim of any oppressor. You will not be a victim of any policy. You will not be a victim of the wickedness of the wicked. You will not be a victim of the kings of this world. You will not be a victim of the thrones and crowns that bear rule over you. You will not be a victim of any wicked man in power. You will not be a victim of wickedness that flows from the top.

Everyone in Israel at the time could tell that Herod was a wicked king, but James became the very example of the wickedness of Herod. James became an example of one who tasted the worst of the wickedness of Herod. Hear me as I hear the Lord: you will not be an example of the wickedness of the ‘Herods’ of this world. You will not be an example of whom the kings reduced or exterminated. You will not be an example in negativity.

I pray for you: every plan of the enemy to make you a victim is scattered by fire. Every arrangement of hell to make you an example of those who didn’t survive the ‘Herods’ of this world, I command the arrangement to scatter. I decree, even if those around you go down, you will not go down. Even if those around you suffer in the hands of Herod, you will not go down. Even if those around you are trampled upon, you will not go down.

You will not be counted amongst those who saw the worst of the ‘Herods’ of this world. Your soul has escaped like a bird out of the snare of the fowler. The snare is broken, and you have escaped.

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