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In our Focal Scripture, Herod planned to bring forth Peter to the people. The idea was to give Peter a public trial that would lead to his sentencing. It was the sort of public trial that saw the Jews choosing Barabbas over Jesus (see Matthew 27). All that the people needed to do was to demand for Peter to be stoned or killed and that would have been it. Herod wanted to use the people against Peter. He wanted to make him a victim of people.

Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: you will not be a victim of the people. You will not suffer wicked judgement of a riotous mob. You will not suffer as a result of the poor judgement of others. You will not be at the mercy of those who do not love you. Your fate will not be put in the hands of those who do not wish you well. You will not be at the mercy of wicked men whose desire is to cut short your destiny. You won’t be a victim of people.

The people that were being referred to in our Focal Scripture, were not Peter’s friends. These were people whose desire was to shut down the advancement of the early church. These were people who were angry that another set of fiery men had taken over from Jesus. Hear me as I hear the Lord: it will never be said that your fate was put in the hands of those who are against your rising and advancement. Your haters won’t be deciders.

Today, I pray for you: when matters of your life will be decided, may it be in the hands of those who are willing to work in your favour. May God position men who will be willing to bend backwards in order to make things work for you. May God send you helpers that will be willing to speak for you against all odds. May God position men who will be courageous enough to push for favourable decisions in your favour.

No longer will you be made a victim of the decisions of those who do not like you. No longer will you be subjected to the whims and caprices of your haters.

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