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In our Focal Scripture, the angel of the Lord commanded Peter to arise up quickly. The angel did not only require that Peter must arise. He demanded that the rising must be done quickly. The angel demanded for speedy rising from Peter. Peter was not required to rise sluggishly. He was not to rise when it was convenient to rise. He was to rise quickly. He was to rise without wasting time. He was to rise fast. He was to rise without delays.

Friend, it’s not enough to desire to rise. God requires that you rise quickly. God requires that you rise without further delays. God requires that you hurry up with your rising. God requires that you rise like one who understands that there is no time to waste. God requires that you rise and move before he Herods of this world catch up with you. God requires that you rise like one who has an assignment to fulfill. He requires speedy rising.

Peter had already spent some time in prison. His assignment had already suffered, and he was not required to take all the time in the world while rising. He needed to rise, but it was important that he rose quickly. If you fail to rise quickly, you just might be causing more delays for yourself. If you fail to rise quickly, you just might be giving more room for the enemy to get at you. If you fail to rise quickly, you just might expose yourself to needless destiny pitfalls that will keep you out of relevance.

That voice that normally tells you to delay your rising is not of God. That voice that tells you to delay the fulfillment of your assignment is not of God. That voice that says you can rise later and not immediately, is not of God. That voice that says you should tolerate the prison for one more night, is not of God. Receive grace to rise quickly. Receive grace to move quickly. Receive grace to break forth quickly. Receive grace to rise above delay.

Welcome to that season where you must resist every urge to delay what must be done speedily. Welcome to that season where you must rise quickly.

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