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In our Focal Scripture, when the angel turned up for Peter in prison, a light shined in the prison, and the chains on Peter all fell off. The angel turned up for Peter in prison, and the bondage that Herod put on Peter was broken. Herod had put chains on Peter to stop him from moving. He had set up a system that will sustain the stagnation he wished on Peter. He made an arrangement that would ensure bondage, but God broke the bondage.

Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: every bondage on your life is broken. Every chain on your life is broken. Every system the enemy has set up to ensure that you remain stagnated, is broken. Every chain the enemy has set up to tie you down in places you would rather not be in, is broken. Every environment the enemy has set up to ensure that your destiny does not enjoy full expression, is broken. The bondage of Herod is broken.

Notice that this was the same Peter who, on the day of Pentecost, spoke with power and over three thousand men were added to the church (see Acts 2). This was the same Peter whose impact had resonated in the early church. This was the same Peter by whom the lame man at the beautiful gate received his healing (see Acts 3). Herod saw a man who was important to heaven’s agenda, and put him in chains.

Hear me as I hear the Lord: every bondage that has come to mitigate your influence and relevance, I command it to scatter now. Every bondage that has come to halt your involvement in the agenda of heaven, I command it to scatter now. Every bondage that wants to reduce your destiny to rubbles, I command it to scatter now. Every bondage that wants your best to be in the past, I command it to scatter now.

Christ has set you free, and you no longer have any business with the chains of the enemy. The chains are broken. The bondage is broken.

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