Celebrated Nigeria Gospel Music Minister, Adaehi is imploring believers to help the needy around them and faraway especially at this time of lockdown.

Ada who gave support for act_donttalk as medium for reaching the unreachable, admonishes believers to be brothers and sisters keeper.

She made this known through her social media page “Hello my father’s children, I trust you and yours are great, please read and consider! PLEASE

As we know and can see this is one season we really really need to be our brothers and sisters keeper, it will be unthinkable to and unchristian to choose to ignore especially if we can help

Meet @act_donttalk I saw them for the very first time about 2 weeks ago on Twitter via a mention, I followed up and eventually engaged them after they discarded all my concerns. They honestly have done a good job ?? honestly

If you have been searching for a platform to reach people at this time please consider this young volunteers, check them out @act_donttalk and be of help at any capacity. People are starving, so many families are desperately in need foodstuff… We can help! While we pray for our government let’s help reduce the number of children going to bed hungry. No it’s not my group, like I said I met them on Twitter during this quarantine period ? Please help if you can, God had blessed you for such a time as this. God bless you ? Amen

Henotace Team

David Oshin is a Content Creator || Full stack Web Developer||Podcast Host || Digital Marketing Strategist. He is very passionate about UNITY of the body of Christ.

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