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Our Focal Scripture speaks of how the chains fell off from the hands of Peter. Notice that prior to out Focal Scripture, Peter was bound in chains, and was sleeping between two soldiers. In bible times, prisoners were often locked in chains, and their chains connected to soldiers so they don’t escape. So whilst in prison, Peter was connected to soldiers. He was connected to negativity. When heaven came to help, he was disconnected from the negative connections he was burdened with.

Friend, as the new quarter begins, God is disconnecting you from negativity. God is disconnecting you from unfriendly friends. God is disconnecting you from every bondage. God is disconnecting you from every relationship that wants to take you down the drains. God is disconnecting you from every siege of the enemy against you. God is disconnecting you from every circle that wants to hinder your progress. God is disconnecting you from every chain of limitation around you.

Peter was connected, whilst in prison, to those who were enforcers of bondage. He was connected to those whose role was to ensure that he didn’t move. Hear me as I hear the Lord: every connection you have to the enforcers of stagnation and negativity, today, I decree, it is broken. Every connection to those who are simply ensuring that you don’t move, let it break by fire. I disconnect you from the enemies of your tomorrow.

Peter was disconnected from the soldiers, and he immediately followed the angel. Today, I pray for you: may God send you the right people to be connected to. May God connect you to men who will lead you into your tomorrow. May God connect you to higher opportunities. May God connect you to higher levels. May God connect you to angelic help. May God connect you to the men you need. May God grant you the gift of positive connections.

The chains of negative connections are broken. The doors of positive connections are open.

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