“Manifest,” the new and much anticipated NBC show had its series premiere last week, and the pilot episode was centered around the well-known verse Romans 8:28 (“And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” ) . The show drew in over 10 million views, which outperformed returning shows like The Good Doctor and The Voice.
The show follows a family that boards a plane and goes missing for five and a half years. When they miraculously return, they have not aged one bit. The mysterious plot line addresses pressing questions about science and faith.
In crossing the two topics of faith and science throughout the show, Jeff Rake, the creator of “Manifest,” dives into something people normally shy away from.
“That debate is as old as time itself. It’s really the ultimate debate in human history: faith vs. science,” Rake told USA Today . “I challenge myself in every episode to tell the story of what would really happen if something this extraordinary ever occurred.”
Source : Faith Wire