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Our Focal Scripture makes mention of that moment when Abraham gave a name to his son who had just been born by Sarah. Abraham called his newly born son Isaac, which means ‘laughter’. Abraham seemed to prophesy that his result shall be called ‘laughter’. Abraham gave a prophetic name to the result that God had just brought his way. Abraham proclaimed that his result shall be called laughter.

Friend, like Abraham, give a prophetic name to your results as they come. Command your results to become harbingers of laughter. Decree that your results will be a beginning of endless laughter and joy in your life. Decree that your laughter has begun and will not end anymore. Decree that your results will bring you more results. Decree that your results will change the tide of negativity in your life. Speak into your results.

Abraham declared that his result shall be called Isaac, and when it was time for Isaac to have children, he had two at once. He declared that his result will be called laughter, and his ‘laughter’ gave birth to more laughter. If you dare to call your results by a great name, you can be sure that they will bring you more results. If you name your results positively, they will birth more good news in your favour. Your results with good names will yield more.

Notice that Abraham’s result was still at infancy when he named him Isaac. Abraham proclaimed a good name on his results when it did not yet appear that anything good will come out of the results. Don’t be tempted to call your result by a bad name simply because it is still too little to be taken seriously. Don’t speak negatively about what God has put in your hands. Don’t use your words to destroy your good news.

That result that has entered your hands, what name have you given to it? Are you calling your results positive names, or negative names?

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