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Our Focal Scripture makes mention of how the wise men departed from Herod, and the star of Jesus reappeared and led them until they came to the house where Jesus was. These wise men had seen the star of Jesus in the east, but as they came to Jerusalem and showed up in the palace of Herod, nothing more was heard about the star until they left Herod. The star which disappeared when they were with Herod, reappeared after they left Herod and sought to meet Jesus.

Friend, if you will be that star that will shine brightly, then glean the wisdom of knowing where to appear and where not to appear. If you truly know your place as a star, then you would realize that not every platform is meant for you; not every opportunity is meant for you; not every assignment is meant for you; not every relationship is meant for you; not every open door is meant for you; not every king is meant to host you; not every environment is compatible with your greatness.

Notice that the star of Jesus disappeared and only reappeared after the wise men left Herod. Notice also that Herod had evil intent against Jesus, and the star of Jesus seemed to go into hiding when the wise men got to Herod. There are people that may seem to like your shining but their goal is to put off your light. There are people who pretend to like your shining, but their goal is to gain information from you to damage your destiny.

It is symbolic that the same star that shone in the east, did not shine in the palace of Herod, but reappeared after the wise men left Herod. The wise men had to leave the environment of Herod for the star to reappear. Make a commitment to leave the places that cause your stardom to go into hiding. Walk away from places that damage your greatness. Stay away from connections and relationships that reduce and pollute your destiny.

Like the star of Jesus, know when to appear, and know when to disappear.

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