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When blind Bartimaeus heard that Jesus had called him, he took off his garments, rose from where he sat, and he came to Jesus. Bartimaeus was on the brink of a new season, and he began by taking a walk closer to where Jesus was. He moved to closer proximity with Jesus. The distance between him and Jesus was closed, and he came close to Jesus before receiving his healing. Bartimaeus journeyed towards Jesus.

Friend, you may be at the brink of a new season, but it is time to journey towards Jesus. Move closer to where Jesus is. Increase your intimacy with Jesus. Increase your walk with Jesus. As you seek the gifts you can get from God, get closer to Him who is the Giver of the gifts. Get more committed to your relationship with God. Get more intimate with your Master. Close up every gap that currently exists between you and Jesus.

Bartimaeus desperately needed a miracle, but the journey to his miracle began with a journey towards Jesus. Every journey towards Jesus is a journey towards your new season and next level. Every journey towards Jesus is a divine posturing for the unveiling of the mercies and grace of God. Every journey towards Jesus is a journey towards the fulfillment of your expectations. Every journey towards Jesus is a journey to your results.

Keep consolidating in your walk with God even if your expectations are yet to be fulfilled. Push for more intimacy with Jesus even if your plans and purposes are yet to see the light of day. Push for higher dimensions of the presence of God in and around you. As you press towards Jesus, results you have been seeking for will manifest by fire. Just as Bartimaeus went closer to Jesus and got healed, your intimacy with Jesus will yield results.

Let no challenge stop you from getting closer to Jesus. In fact, see every challenge or battle you face as an opportunity to build up your most holy faith.

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