Making full proof of ministry



By: Pastor. Dr. Paul Enenche.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Pastor. Dr. Paul Enenche.


Dr Paul Enenche was born in Otukpo, Benue state, Nigeria. He is a native of the Idoma tribe in Benue state, Nigeria.


He is a trained Medical Doctor, a Christian author, preacher, Minister, Televangelist, Musician and Educationist. He is the founder and Senior Pastor of Dunamis International Gospel Centre World-wide, with headquarters in Abuja, Federal Capital Territory, Nigeria. A ministry having hundreds of thousands of worshippers across the world.


Pastor Paul Enenche’s Ministry and Ministrations are characterized by a profound release of the word  of God, miracles, signs and wonders and a palpable and tangible presence of God. The Nigerian Voice refers to him as an apostle on assignment to help people discover, rediscover and recover their destinies.


Dunamis International Gospel Centre network of churches is located in over twenty states in Nigeria and also in a number of other countries, including the United Kingdom and Liberia.


The ministry of Dr Paul Enenche is basically saddled with the responsibility of “connecting humanity with the Person, Presence, passion (for), purpose, potential, principles and power of the Almighty and releasing them to subdue and dominate the earth now – and possess Heaven at the end.”




Summary Analysis By: Amb. Paulinus Elum Ukor.


Let’s BEGIN (Hope you’re exited as I am😁).


This book categorises FIVE sections.


Section One:          Full Proof.

Section Two:          Before God.

Section Three:       The Sent of God.

Section Four:         The Time We Are In.

Section Five:          Seven Keys To Making  Full Proof.




👨‍👩‍👦 As a family, let’s sit together as I give a summarized documentation on this Spirit and Power packed book.

Let’s go:

First thing first,  quickly, let’s read  2Timothy 4:5 👇🏽


KJV:But watch thou in all things,

endure afflictions,

do the work of an evangelist,

make FULL PROOF of thy ministry.


TPT:  Be alert to all these things and overcome every form of evil.

Carry in your heart the passion of your calling as a church planter and evangelist, and FULFILL your ministry calling.


FULFILL means: Satisfy, fill full.


This is Apostle Paul, addressing Timothy with some useful information.


And this us what this book is all about…

This means that:


√ If you’re sure God called you, you must be ready to give a account for it.


√ You’d agree with me that ‘Proof’ means ‘Evidence’. So be ready to show sufficient evidence that both men and demons will not just stop at seeing, but also confirm that indeed you didn’t call yourself.


√ With 100% boldness, you should give justifiable reasons on why you left your profession and decide to preach the Gospel.


√ You’d agree with me that they’re some ministers out there that people have doubts—– This means you’re to erase every doubt concerning the genuineness of your calling irrespective of who the doubters are (Be it your spouse, siblings, parents, friends etc )





LEAD #1:Full Proof.


2Tim 4:5 👇🏽


KJV:But watch thou in all things,

endure afflictions,

do the work of an evangelist,

make full proof of thy ministry.


Did you observe what I’m observing.

Ok that’s enough, someone just read the verse like three times now, wondering what  referring to. Ok let me spill…


In the last line of that verse it said male ‘FULL’  proof,  not  make ‘proof’.


🤔 This tells is that:


✅ Its possible to have proof that Are Not FULL, ( Such that its NOT ENOUGH to erase doubt, end argument, change an opinion.)


✅ INCOMPLETE proof makes the world not to take you serious. And Satan isn’t threatened at all. It will also make the pull of people into the ministry not to be strong.



Those who made full proof of the ministry are those with PROOF POWER 💪🏽.


Why did you just say ‘If I hear sarcastically’. Don’t deny it because I heard you… Okay let’s read some scriptures. Remember we are here to learn.


Numbers 16:28-30. TMB 👇🏽

A Man Like Moses.


28-30 Moses continued to address the community: “This is HOW YOU’LL KNOW that it was God who sent me to do all these things and that it wasn’t anything I COOKED UP ON MY OWN.


IF  these men die a ‘NATURAL DEATH’ like all the rest of us, you’ll know that it wasn’t God who sent me.


BUT IF God does something unprecedented—IF the ground opens up and swallows the lot of them and they are pitched alive into Sheol—THEN YOU’LL KNOW  that these men have been insolent with God.”


In simple terms, Moses was saying that: The ONLY WAY to test that I’m FULLY CALLED OF GOD is that those men were NOT PERMITTED to die NORMAL DEATH.





Another scripture


Acts 27:23-25 TPT.


23 God’s angel visited me last night, the angel of my God, the God I passionately serve. He came and stood IN FRONT OF ME.


24 And said, ‘Don’t be afraid, Paul. You are destined to stand trial before Caesar. And because of God’s favor on you, he has GIVEN YOU the lives of everyone who is sailing with you.’


25 So men, keep up your courage! I know that God will protect you, JUST AS HE TOLD ME HE WOULD.


Paul in other words was saying ‘ No One Is Permitted To Scatter In The Ocean.’


Have you considered Elijah who declared that fire should fall and it did happen, killing a total of 102 persons.




How many of you  while reading the scriptures being displayed observed that these men never spoke as if they were guessing. Such boldness, so fierce with no iota of fears, its the confident and audacity for me.


How pitiable it is to realise that pastors, preachers etc of nowadays, because they are living in good condition, they can pay their bills, feed their families comfortably, visit different countries at will, eat as they want, wear outfits that suits their desires per time etc they regard the above highlighted as a FULL PROOF of their Calling, yet that church they lead is filled with ONLY decorated sinners, No transformed life can be seen.


It’s like a corpse saying ” Change my clothes and leave me in the coffin.”


Someone just said: ‘Thank God our own church is nice and our pastor is a good man of God.’


Okay. Kudos to you. However if his preaching lacks the power of CONVICTION,

THAT LIFE TRANSFORMING POWER that makes a weed snooker to become a preacher, if it  is LACKING, It means he has SOME proofs, which means the proof is too scanty to make any sense.  This is why people come to church and remain the sames. Lesbians etc come same and go same, nothing about them changed.





Truth be told, the struggle some experience in ministry is because your “proof is not full.”


This is a good time to make this short prayer:

‘ Oh Lord, I want to run a ministry with FULL PROOF, Convicting Power Proof, Signs and Wonders Proof, Massive Financial Proof, Proof in Every Dimension.



✍🏽 Hope you know that the person who gets the FULL proof is the man of God…


Ok you who just smiled while reading, let me ask you, ‘WHO IS THE MAN OF GOD.?’


Bring your ear 👂🏼closely let me tell you something.: ‘ Not every pastor is a man of God. There are many pastors , teachers etc but FEW Men And Women Of God.



God does not just assist pastors pastors, teachers to Make full proof of ministry, he assists The Man Of God.


When you hear people say ‘Mandela of South Africa, Obama of USA, Obi of Nigeria, its simply saying Mandela, Obama and Obi who originated respectively from South Africa, USA and Nigeria.


So a Man of God, is a Man whose Origin, Vision , Calling and Ministry Originated From God.  His Address is God, if you want Locate him,  find God.


Some people it will surprise you to know that their ministry originated in themselves, some originated because people pushed them into it.


A Man of God is Owned by God. He has ceased to own himself.


Real Men of God are the ones that will change our generation, not just preachers.


They are Men who are processed by Scriptures, primarily for the purpose of training , not preaching.


That’s why 2Timothy3:16 has this to say


KJV: All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness


The scripture is a gift form God, it is inspired and profitable.






LEAD #2: Before God.



Do you know that the eye 👀 of God is on the minister and the ministry.


2Timothy 4:1 GNB


1 IN THE PRESENCE OF GOD and of Christ Jesus, who will judge the living and the dead, and because he is coming to rule as King, I solemnly urge you….


Paul was simply telling Timothy saying :

‘ I’m giving you an instruction/admonition IN FRONT OF GOD….thereby making Timothy realize that he does not exist for himself, but that he’s in front of God.


If you’re a pastor reading this, know that  the mode of operation since you started ministry has been IN FRONT OF GOD where ALL THINGS are named before him.




As a minister, we are destined for judgment. Not necessarily the white throne judgment meant for sinners (even though some pastors will be part of it).  The judgment ministers will have is that of ‘The Judgment Seat Of Christ.’


What for? You may ask,  Well, it’s solely to give account of our lives.


Someone just said ‘Na normal thing na’…


Well let’s break it down a bit.


Some things such minister will account for are:


📌 The minister must account for the ‘VISION’, he is running.

He will acknowledge WHO SENT HIM, whether it’s God or himself.


Let’s read Exodus 25:9 TMB


You are to construct it FOLLOWING the plans I’ve GIVEN YOU, the design for The Dwelling and the design for all its furnishings.


God told Moses how he want the sanctuary to be built and its according to this pattern that the Glory will fall.



📌 The minister must account for ‘HOW’ he lives.


📌 The minister must account for What he preached.


Was his message having redemption value.  Transformation or motivation.


📌 The minister must account for the quality of disciples they produce.


📌 The minister must account for the management of both God’s people and resources.




LEAD #3: The Sent Of God.


The ‘SENT’ of God is one on errand for God. He’s sent with a definite message, so as to achieve the plans and pleasure of God.


Never forget that the ‘Message’ is the reason for ‘The Messenger.’


No wonder we won’t be wrong to say: A messenger without a message is a waste.


Some problems are attached with some messengers. For instance, some along the line:


√ Some Forget the  content of the message.


√ Some Modify the message in order to accommodate personal opinions etc.


√ Some  Branch off along the way to do things that are NOT RELATED to the message.


√  Some Lost value for what they were sent to preach so as to pursue money.


√ Some join what other co-messengers are saying.


No wonder its said that the destiny of every generation is determined by the quality of Christians in that generation. And the quality of Christians in that generation is determined by the quality of ministers.


√ Some ministers change the message to suit changing times as if the standard of God is changeable with time.


√ Some ministers change the order of priorities.


Someone just said ‘order of priorities, like how?’.  Okay I will give an illustration using the scripture.


Quickly let’s read Mark 16:15-16 GNB.


him alive.


15 He said to them, “Go throughout the whole world and preach the gospel to all people.


16 Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved; whoever does not believe will be condemned.


Some, what they do is to delete the first one and begin to give promises. The question now is, ‘What use are promises to a dead(Christ less) man.


All these things has outcomes. I’m referring to those who adjust God’s words to suit seasons, those who listened to others but ignored God, those influenced by their hearers opinions.


√  Their lives remains unchanged and untransformed.


√ The society will never be impacted etc.


The way out is for us to preach the word, NOT philosophy, psychology, humanistic motivation.


Preach the word in season and out of season.






LEAD #4: The Time We Are In.


🙇🏼‍♂️ Awareness of the season is important for maximization of life.


🙇🏼‍♂️ Understanding the season gives you capacity to know what to do.


🙇🏼‍♂️ Understanding the season puts a person in command of life.


✍🏽 We are in a time of gross intolerance for truth


✍🏽 We are in a time where people have uncontrolled Passion.


✍🏽 We are in a time where people have itching ears ( they want teachings that suits their desires)






LEAD #5: Seven Keys To Make Full Proof Of Ministry.


Let’s read 2Timothy 4:5-7 using TPT, TMB, GNB, KJV Respectively.




✅  BE ALERT to all these things and overcome every form of evil.

✅ Carry in your heart the passion of your calling as a church planter and evangelist,

✅ and fulfill your ministry calling.


6 And now the time is fast approaching for my release from this life and I am ready to be offered as a sacrifice.


 7 I have fought an excellent fight. I have finished my full course and I’ve kept my heart full of faith.





✅ But you—KEEP YOUR EYES ON what you’re doing; accept the hard times along with the good;

✅ keep the Message ALIVE;

✅ do a THOROUGH JOB as God’s servant.


6-8You take over. I’m about to die, my life an offering on God’s altar. This is the only race worth running. I’ve run hard right to the finish, believed all the way.






✅ But you must KEEP CONTROL OF YOURSELF in all circumstances; endure suffering,

✅ do the work of a PREACHER OF THE


GOOD NEWS, and perform your whole duty as a servant of God.


6 As for me, the hour has come for me to be sacrificed; the time is here for me to leave this life.


7 I have done my best in the race, I have run the full distance, and I have kept the faith.





✅ BUT WATCH THOU in all things,

✅ endure afflictions,

✅do the work of an evangelist,

✅make full proof of thy ministry.


For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand.


I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith



This in other words tells us that its not thr starting that is the most important, because anybody can start, its in the end that matters most.


Be informed that not being awake spiritually and mentally gives the devil room to plant his seed .


First thing first,


🌟 Watch thou in all things.


Watch your soul.

Watch your flock.

Watch your thoughts.

Watch your talk

Watch your actions/steps

Watch your association

Watch your ears.


🌟 Endure Hardness.


Watch out for pressures that wants you to compromise.


Watch out for pressure that wants you to doubt God.


🌟 Do the work of an evangelist.


Hope you know Paul didn’t say ‘become an evangelist, No,  he said ‘DO THE WORK OF AN EVANGELIST’.


Let us be reminded that there’s no calling that exempts anyone from soul-winning.





🌟 Fulfil your calling.


Remember, God is never committed to what he has not commanded.


🌟 Fight a good fight.


Fight for the course of righteousness.

Fight against wickedness.

Fight against the oppressor and his oppression.

Fight for the dethronement of the enemy.


🌟 Run the race.


Avoid procrastination because there’s an urgency of now.


Esau did not come on time, so Jacob took the blessing.


Amasa was doing the right thing,but he delayed and David said to Abishai,  ‘ Since Amass has delayed, take his place’. 2Samuel 20:4-6


To waste time is to loose place.


Lest I forget, always remember that:


📌 Life is terminal.

📌 Death is not the end of life.

📌 How you live on earth determines where you will end in eternity.

📌 Who you live for determines who you live with in eternity.





✍🏽 Not every pastor is a man of God.


✍🏽 There are many pastors, teachers, evangelists etc, but few men and women of God.


✍🏽 God does not assist pastors, preachers, etc to make full proof of ministry, he assist the man of God.


✍🏽 Many are sent by God and not ‘From’ God.


✍🏽 Real men of God are the ones that will change our generation, not just preachers.


✍🏽 Let the scripture be an open book for you.


✍🏽 Many people rushed into ministry before God finished with them.


✍🏽 That you have the gift of prophesy isn’t a call into ministry.


✍🏽 As a pastor, be aware your mode of operation has always been ‘IN FRONT’ of God.


✍🏽 You can’t be a pastor and not brr prepared for the judgment of the pastor.


✍🏽 A messenger without a message is a waste.


✍🏽  The destiny of every generation is determined by the quality of Christians in that generation.


✍🏽 The quality of Christians in a generation is determined by the quality of ministers.


✍🏽 Time is too precious to sit hearing nothing


✍🏽 It’s not starting that’s the most important, it’s the end.


✍🏽 Esau did not come on time, so Jacob took the blessing.


✍🏽 To waste time is to lose place.

Thank You.


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David Oshin is a Content Creator || Full stack Web Developer||Podcast Host || Digital Marketing Strategist. He is very passionate about UNITY of the body of Christ.