LOYALTY ; The Virtue of Greatness

Uebert Angel once said ” I am not surprised when I find people who are disloyal , am surprised when I find Loyal people“.

Loyalty is a virtue that is fast disintegrating in the body of Christ today, believers can hardly be counted on for anything, this is a cancer that is eating deep into the fabric of the church, and one begins to wonder the genesis of this destructive attitude, Loyalty, is one virtue that every great man or woman in scriptures or in our contemporary possess. In simple terms what is Loyalty ? Loyalty according to the Cambridge English Dictionary means the act of being firm and not changing in your friendship with or support for a person or an organization, or in your belief in your principles. 

This is what you don’t find again today, you bump into a person and ask about her best friend of whom they walked together all day, the next thing you hear is don’t remind of that fool, that bastard , those are the first words of his or her mouth, then you are curious to know what happened. If you do a thorough observation , watch people like that their problem is not the person, its them! They are not loyal, am using a simple example we can relate with, if you ask such people, what of your Pastor ? You called him your Spiritual Father, Mentor, Discipler, God sent, and all that, you hear something similar. Am no more in that Church, that Pastor is stingy, He is not caring, he doesn’t ask of me, in fact I have left the Church. Ask them about their relationship, they tell you something similar, all guys are the same, they are decievers. You see their problem is disloyalty, its not about what those people did to them, and I am certainly not denying the fact people can be terrible but you can keep a right attitude despite what anyone does to you, it’s loyalty, it’s maturity!

Those who hit and run don’t make anything out of a relationship, its those who hit and stick. What people lack is a sticking grace, people will always annoy you, be terrible but in the midst of all these you can maintain good relationship with people over time, if you cannot maintain friendship, you cannot maintain relationship, and if you cannot maintain relationship, your marriage will be a mess. It all begins with a commitment to maintain a relationship that has been of immense benefit to you and if for any reasons people depart, mutual respect should always be maintained. Loyalty is a virtue of greatness, men who succeeded in Bible times were extremely loyal to their master even unto death. David is an example of a loyal man in scriptures, he was completely and sincerely loyal to his master Saul even when it was evident Saul was after his life, yet David kept a good attitude towards him, twice he had the opportunity of killing his master but he didn’t . David knew killing his Master will automatically make him become king of Isreal because he was anointed already by Prophet Samuel but he refused to manipulate his way to the throne. what a strength of Character, a man came and claimed to kill Saul, thinking that will be great news for David but David instead was enraged and killed the man for touching his Master ( God’s Anointed). No wonder David was Great, he was a man of rare virtue. The body of Christ today needs a restoration of Loyalty, especially among the upcoming generation of believers (Grace Revolutionists). Loyalty is a virtue of Greatness.

#Be Loyal today !!!

Article Written by David Oshin

Henotace Team

David Oshin is a Content Creator || Full stack Web Developer||Podcast Host || Digital Marketing Strategist. He is very passionate about UNITY of the body of Christ.

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