bishop oyedepo declares prophetic theme for april2022

More than a conqueror greetings to you in the name of Jesus Christ, amen. I believe we all had some great times with God through his word concerning our Heritage of successful and impactful living all through the month of march 2022. My  prayer is that God will engrace everyone of us to put our findings to work, so as to actualize our topmost top heritage in redemption, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

But what is the HolyGhost saying for the month of April 2022?

As it is written, “The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: SO IS EVERYONE THAT IS BORN OF THE SPIRIT”- Jhn. 3:8





We recognize from the above scripture that :

  • Every child of God is a born a wonder to his world – Jn. 3:8
  • Every child of God is born a sign and a wonder after the order of Christ- isa.7:14-15/ Isa. 8:18

This makes the supernatural our natural estate as believers- Jhn. 14:12 / Jhn. 17:18

Christ is still empowering believers today to operate in the supernatural as he did for the disciples- Mat. 10:1 / Luk9:1/6 / Mak.13:37

In addition , divine presence has proved to be a covenant platform for the manifestations of the supernatural- Mak. 16:20/Act. 10:38/Act. 19:11-12

However, we must  recognize that supernatural does not ‘sit down’ with people, it follows believers who are on the go for Christ – Mak. 16:15-20/Acts. 8:4-8

This is the secret behind the diverse testimonies being shared by many of us in this church, who have been pursuing after God and the interest of His Kingdom faithfully and delightsomely in the ongoing Wonder Double Prophetic Agenda.

Furthermore, we observe that , when Jesus sent His disciples without purse or shoes, they lacked nothing. This indicates that they were simply operating in the supernatural- Luk. 10:1/Luk.22:35

In addition, on their return, the disciples reported that even devils were subject to them in His name. This shows that when we are on the go for Christ, we are empowered to command the supernatural- Luk. 10:17-19

In the light of the above, all through this month of April 2022, we shall be exploring from scriptures, the hidden forces behind supernatural manifestation, which is key to experiencing the fulfillment of all the prophetic words that have gone ahead of us this year.

Therefore, the prophetic focus for the month of April 2022 is :

I Am Redeemed a Wonder to My World- Isa. 8:18

Recommended books authored by David O. Oyedepo include:

  • Releasing the Supernatural
  • Walking in the Miraculous
  • Operating in the Supernatural

Remain ever blessed.

Jesus is Lord!

David O. Oyedepo

Henotace Team

David Oshin is a Content Creator || Full stack Web Developer||Podcast Host || Digital Marketing Strategist. He is very passionate about UNITY of the body of Christ.