Living Faith Church Prophetic Declaration For 2019

  • The year 2019 has come down with a verdict from heaven for you and me by re-enacting the verdict of scriptures. I HAVE #DOMINION
  • You are anointed to reign on the earth above all issues around your life in the year 2019
  • The year 2019 shall be a year of humbling testimonies
  • Gen 1:26, Rev 5:9-10 is established as your seal of Dominion
  • I see you in the realms of Dominion in 2019
  • The year 2019 shall be impactful in every area of your life
  • There shall be raw demonstrations of Dominion in the year 2019
  • The spirit of dominion rest on you in growing dimensions all the days of your life
  • Before the end of the first quarter of 2019, all your Shiloh expectations shall be fully settled
  • Nothing will tamper with the peace of Nigeria in 2019; the story of this country will be changing for the better; Nigeria shall not see any more bloodshed; there shall not be war anymore
  • The prince of peace will continue to Dominate in Nigeria and Africa, we shall not see set-back anymore
  • Because of the saints of God in this country, Nigeria shall remain safe
  • Therefore, receive it in your mind, believe it with your heart, declare it boldly with your mouth.
  • Accident on the road or air is forbidden around you in 2019

Courtesy : Living Faith Press

Henotace Team

David Oshin is a Content Creator || Full stack Web Developer||Podcast Host || Digital Marketing Strategist. He is very passionate about UNITY of the body of Christ.

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