LEARN Conducts Three Days of Anti-Abortion Protests in Newark, Philadelphia, and Washington DC

The Life Education and Resource Network, L.E.A.R.N. the largest African American Pro-life network in America will conduct three days of anti-abortion demonstrations in Newark, Philadelphia, and Washington DC. LEARN’s objective is to heighten the awareness in the African American Community to the decimating, demoralizing and physiologically destructive practice of abortion.
“The Democratic party has been a major facilitator of abortion’s devastation of the Black Community. The DNC goes to extreme lengths to protect and promote Planned Parenthood who has the distinction of being the leading killer of African Americans. 1,786 African American children are killed each day by abortion and the leader is Planned Parenthood,” stated Rev. Dr. Clenard H. Childress North-East Region Director.
Rev. Dr. Johnny Hunter commented, “We see in the Kavanaugh hearings the deliberate acts by the Democratic Party to destroy the nomination of Bret Kavanaugh. Democrats see him as the swing vote in the Supreme Court and they see this judge as Pro-life. The practice of political lynching’s for those who oppose Roe vs. Wade while endorsing womb lynching of innocent children for profit, is disgraceful.”LEARN will protest at Planned Parenthood sites in Newark and then rally at City Hall. Sunday, protesters will worship at the Exodus Baptist Church in Philadelphia where Rev. Dr. Hurb Lusk is the Pastor. Following the service they will march to City Hall for a rally.  On Monday, October 8th, LEARN will protest at the Smithsonian Portrait Museum and then march to the African American Museum both in Washington, DC.

“The Smithsonian protest points to the blatant hypocrisy and total absurdity of the Smithsonian to have the bust of the most destructive racist of our time, Margaret Sanger in the same room with the greatest civil rights leader of our time Martin Luther King. How is it you have a woman that spoke repeatedly at KKK rally’s and collaborated with Adolf Hitler positioned with a man who won the Nobel Peace Prize and was slain for fighting Jim Crow laws and segregation? This is nothing but deception to hide Margret Sanger’s true agenda of eugenic practices,” stated Rev. Dr. Clenard H. Childress Jr.

Source : Christian News Wire

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David Oshin is a Content Creator || Full stack Web Developer||Podcast Host || Digital Marketing Strategist. He is very passionate about UNITY of the body of Christ.

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