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It is instructive to observe that when Bartimaeus received his sight, he followed Jesus in the way. Bartimaeus was not one to receive a miracle and walk away from Jesus. His miracle became a platform for him to follow Jesus. The fact that Jesus had solved his problem was not an excuse to walk away. He didn’t disconnect from Jesus just because his troubles had ended. He remained connected to the One who changed his story.

Friend, I am aware that in 2024, the Lord will change your story for good, but can you be that one that will remain committed to Jesus despite the fact that your troubles have ended? Can you be that one that will follow hard after Jesus even after your prayers are answered? Can you be that one that will still follow Jesus even when you have no challenges troubling you? Can you be that one that will still pray when there is no issue?

Bartimaeus was not coerced into following Jesus after he received his miracle. He simply decided to keep his eyes on the One who had seen him. This year, it is not only the eyes of the Lord that will be on you; your own eyes also need to be on the Lord. You need to be counted amongst them who can still worship God in spirit and in truth when there is nothing to gain in the interim. Be an example of one who will follow Jesus when there is no need for Him to do a miracle for you.

As you receive from the Lord this year, let everything you receive take you closer in your walk with God. Let every miracle cause you to be even more prayerful than you were prior to receiving your miracle. Let every door that God opens for you cause you to be humbler and more humane. Let every divine intervention stir you up to walk more closely with God than you have ever done. Let your testimony take you closer to Jesus.

In the end, nothing matters as much as following Jesus. Even your miracle will end here on earth, but if you follow Jesus, it will count in the life hereafter.

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