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Our Focal Scripture speaks of that moment when Jesus declared restoration of sight to blind Bartimaeus; immediately, without delay, Bartimaeus received his sight. Without any delay, Bartimaeus moved from expectations to reality. Immediately, the prayer of Bartimaeus became an answer. Immediately, what had been missing in the life of Bartimaeus was restored. Bartimaeus received an immediate result.

Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: you shall have immediate results. Your good news will show up immediately. Your elevation shall be immediate. The opening of your doors and gates shall be immediate. Divine intervention for you shall be immediate. The fulfillment of your expectations shall be immediate. The answers you have waited for will show up speedily. The hand of God will work speedily in your life.

Jesus spoke a word over the life of blind Bartimaeus, and blindness disappeared immediately. By the word of the Lord, supernatural results showed up immediately. By the word of the Lord, you will enjoy a new season of speedy, immediate results. As the Lord speaks concerning you, the results will be speedy. The power of delay is broken over your life. The cycle of delayed results is broken over your life.

If God be for you, no power of hell shall delay the results He has in store for you. If God be for you, whatever delayed you in time past will not delay you again. If God be for you, whatever should take time for others will simply take grace for you. If God be for you, the protocols of men will be cut short so that you can have your results earlier than expected. If God be for you, your prayers shall attract immediate results.

Welcome to your new season where divine intervention will be immediate. Welcome to your new season of speedy results.

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