I Never Expected This Crowd Says Rev. Austin as Streams of Prayer were opened in the Spirit

10 hrs. Prayer July Edition was beyond the expectations of the everyone as God moved mightily anointing people with prayer Mantles. The Head pastor of RCN Lagos, Rev. Austin expressed his shock at the crowd that attended the meeting, he said we didn’t plan for this number of people, the meeting started on a high note and gradually increased in tempo,

Rev. Austin shared with the people a personal testimony of the healing he received in the meeting while Pastor Don.  was leading prayers, according to him a sharp pain that has always been in his waist when he gets to a certain level of prayer was instantly healed.

The meeting went into dimensions of prophecies as  many were called out to receive the word of the Lord, some were also anointed to walk in new offices they were separated into by the Holy Ghost. Rev. Austin in elated mood said he had prepared a sumptuous meal to teach on but the Holy Ghost didn’t allow him.

The next 10hrs. Prayer comes up in the third weekend of September 2018.

Source : RCN Lagos

Henotace Team

David Oshin is a Content Creator || Full stack Web Developer||Podcast Host || Digital Marketing Strategist. He is very passionate about UNITY of the body of Christ.

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