Humility Redefined (II)

If you haven’t read the part one, its important you read it before reading this part.

In part (1), i said there are three definitions I will give to humility. I  defined as thinking more of others than yourself, which is a weird definition to many people because its against the norm.

The second definition of Humility is Seeing your self the way God sees you.

This literarily means agreeing with whatever God says you are. From Jesus our Model, we can see this exemplified.

Phil.2:6 –

Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God:

Jesus thought it not robbery to be equal with God, he agreed with who God said he was,  he didn’t feel somehow with being equal with God, he feel it is robbery or a sin. He accepted his Divine Status.

Many believers today consider it pride to call themselves who God called them, they rather prefer to bring themselves low and as trash, they call it humility  and they term anyone that dares to call him or herself who God called them by revelation , they call them proud. For example, the bible says “ye are gods… (PS. 82:6,Jn.10:34)”. A truly humble person will agree with God and say I am a god, I know who I am, am not a weakling, I cannot be dominated by sickness or disease because I am a god. Jesus who is our model of Humility once said I and my Father are one, (Jn.10:30) and the Jews couldn’t take it, they thought he was proud, how dare you say that! They took up stones against Jesus, and that is the exact same attitude of the body of Christ today, they think humility is calling yourself  a nobody, poor, and a feeble person, some will even say, I am a sinner, I know am not righteous, No! That’s not humility, its ignorance. Humility is being who God says you are , acting that way not minding what any ignorant person says, a truly humble person is more conscious about what God says that what man says about him.

Henotace Team

David Oshin is a Content Creator || Full stack Web Developer||Podcast Host || Digital Marketing Strategist. He is very passionate about UNITY of the body of Christ.

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